ArtracX has joined Trinity Acceleration Program partnering with Trinity Lab, Enecuum Network and Uvecon.VC

Published in
2 min readFeb 22, 2022

Today, we are pleased to be announce a new Trinity Lab Acceleration Program participant.

ARTRACX is a new digital marketplace for art and collectibles, and it solves a major problem in tracking, tracing physical items, and giving them a digital identity following the international Art ID Standard consortium — an important element for commerce in the metaverse.

ARTRACX combines the use of enterprise-grade secured IoT eID Chips, blockchain, and smart contract technologies (over the cloud and mobile apps) to make it very easy for artists and art gallery museums to provide complete art provenance, tracking and tracing, and doing businesses/transactions. B2B solution to serve top-tier auction houses and a platform to serve the wider ecosystem as digital transformation for artists, art galleries/museums/art schools, and art collectors.

The team has a solid background in chipsets, blockchain, and over 30 years in technology (from telcos, Remotec, Ericsson, Intel).
Giving physical art a digital identity in the MetaVerse — trackable, traceable, immutable by way of applying a high-security chipset (batteryless) combined with using blockchain technologies (with the implementation of the Enecuum Blockahin Network) and unified communications, online viewing room technologies to offer a whole new dimension of services for artists, art dealers, galleries, auction houses, collectors (HNW), ARTRACX will offer both B2B white-label services for top tier auction houses, as well as the digital platform (SaaS), the selling of chipsets, blockchain IDs, UC and OVR combined makes us be running like a telco operator with SaaS revenue.

ARTRACX has assembled a team of technology professionals, art dealers, art connoisseurs led by Daniel Chun, CEng, patent-owner, Former CEO of Remotec Technology Ltd — 30 years in the tech sector (telco, toys, IoT) who invented and found ten years ago — the leading digital auction platform for fundraising in Hong Kong. The team has sold many art pieces at auctions.

Trinity Acceleration Program is focused on the support of the projects built on top of Enecuum Network. The projects successfully applied for the program will receive investments from TRINITY LAB and its investment partners as well as marketing, business development, and technical support. The program is organized by Trinity Lab and Uvecon.VC, a venture studio and consulting firm based in Hong Kong.

Useful Links:

ARTRACX official website:
ARTRACX facebook:
Trinity Lab Accelerator:
Trinitylab — Digital solutions for decentralized era
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