Mohit Dua
AI Timey
Published in
3 min readJul 31, 2019

The voice bots market has been on a rise since a couple of years. It has also faced a very convenient adoption by various industries. It has changed the way communication is done among businesses. The popularity of messaging apps has also increased among customers.

By 2024, it is assumed that the bot market size will exceed $1.34 billion. With the rising boom of AI platforms and voice-driven AI assistants. It has become necessary for the brands to keep up with the technology pace and offer a consistent brand experience to their customers whether it is travel, education, insurance or any other.

However, this doesn’t justify the importance of voice strategy in business since mobile apps and other smart digital activities are doing good for the brands.

Major reasons to adopt the Voice bots technology are:

  • Scale up your operations

Live agents can handle only 2 to 3 conversations at a time. Whereas, chatbots have the capability to operate without any upper limit. The use of chatbot solutions can boost the ability to work. Above all, this will also help your business in entering the new markets. Every year, around 265 billion customer support requests are made and it costs businesses whopping $1.3 trillion to service them. These costs can significantly be reduced with the help of AI Chatbots.

As per a report, implementing the bot technology can help a business to save up to 30% of their cost. It helps in giving support and handling repetitive queries resulting in the best customer service. Chatbots are predicted to deal with 90% of all customer inquiries within 5 years. This means that by 2022, it’s expected that they will cut business costs by $8 billion.

  • Customer satisfaction with voice bots

In this world of great marketing competition among companies, it is very important that the customers are treated with high priority. Bots help in providing friendly interaction and a good rapport. Customers today, expect quick and simple business interactions. Bots can clearly understand the issues and instantly deliver the best possible solutions.

The following points tell us how bots can enhance customer satisfaction:

  1. Quick responses — Chatbots proactively interact with the customers. They give quick responses to them.
  2. Better engagement — Bots send visual content and gives information regarding discount offers, or product information to keep the customer interested. They understand the demographics of the customers and provide suitable solutions. This boosts customer engagement.
  3. Personalized Experience — It’s important for a business to deliver a personal experience to the customers across the touchpoints. Understanding customer needs and then offering them solutions to increase sales. This also gives more satisfaction.
  • Managing employee help desk

Voice bots help in creating virtual IT helpdesks for the employees. They help in guiding the users verbally for their IT requests such as changing passwords etc. all this can be done easily without any human intervention. Bots can learn through experiences and help genuine users to access information and systems.

  • Customer Support

Customers have to wait for extended periods of time on customer support lines. Voice bots can reduce it to zero by being instantly available without relying on any human agent’s availability. Customers get their solutions through voice bots without having to talk to different people. This helps in cost-saving and provided a faster solution to customers’ simple issues without putting them on hold.

Apart from the speedy service, these bots are available for the customers 24*7. Some businesses may be physically open but they cannot provide that much service, which the bots can provide. Businesses using such technology can remain available in one form to all potential customers all day long.

Voice is a more natural way of functioning for humans than texting etc. This shift provides a natural and seamless flow to work processes giving more mobility to employees. With the help of these employees will be able to access information and communicate in an integrated manner. It is expected that by the year 2020, 50% of searches will be voice-based. If that is where customers are heading, companies need to be on that platform as well.

Hence, we can clearly understand that the number of voice interactions is expanding rapidly. Talking to the assistant now result in a faster answer than browser search though the results come same. Therefore, the time is right to start working on it.



Mohit Dua
AI Timey

Chief Business Officer at Triny | Helping brands connect with customers effectively using AiTimey & AiSensy