Methods to Find Cheap Flights with Best Airline Ticket Deals

Trip Reserver
Trip Reserver
Published in
3 min readJun 2, 2017


The price structure of airlines is confusing. For the bus and train travel, the ticket prices almost remain same. But strangely the air fares are fluctuating even on an hourly basis without any notice in case of air travel. Every passenger run after booking the cheapest flight for himself.

Many factors influence the cost of airline tickets, including when and where you book, and when and where you travel. Plus, you’ll still face a myriad of hidden travel fees for items and services like checking bags and changing your reservation.

Though the nature of airfare can be complicated, Trip Reserver is figuring out some of the reasons behind the costs and fluctuations. Understanding these key factors will help you save money when you travel.

Trip Reserver team has divided the flight booking system into three segments. This way you will have better understanding to book cheap flights.

Beginner Tips

If you’re baffled by skyrocketing rates and not quite accustomed to all the options available to you, start with these steps. These tips are useful for the people who are not frequent flyers.

  • Weigh Nonstop vs. Multi-Stop Flights
  • Consider All Carriers
  • Book Through the Carrier
  • Get Flexible on the journey dates, choice of airlines, etc.
  • Consider Alternate Airports
  • Shop for and Book One-Way Flights
  • Consider Extra Fees

Intermediate Tactics

If you’re a frequent flyer ready to take savings and planning to the next level, or if you think you fall into a special category of traveler, explore these ideas. The airlines you traveled will probably have your data with them and you might get the discount or some other benefit during your next flight.

  • Look for Coupons and Discount Codes
  • Use Your Credit Card
  • Get a Refund if Your Fare Drops
  • Explore Consolidators
  • Find Last-Minute Deals
  • Look for Child and Senior Fares
  • Buy Gift Cards

Advanced Strategies

You may have racked up enough miles to be an airfare expert, but that doesn’t mean you can’t learn a few more tips and tricks. The airlines are becoming smarter day by day and they are finding new ways to increase their profits. Moreover, the new mobile apps and other Internet solutions can confuse the user to any extent and finally, you land up buying costly tickets. That’s why, the prior registration of the travel with one of the websites like Trip Reserver, Trip Advisor, Skyscanner, etc. has become necessary to update you about the latest changes and news about the ticket booking with the help of either the alert system, email or through SMS, etc.

  • Buy Frequent Flyer Miles
  • Fly a “Hidden City” Itinerary
  • Consider Back-to-Back Ticketing
  • Politely Complain
  • Shop on Different Days of the Week
  • Consider a Red Eye Flight


Airlines are flying high and grabbing the №1 position in service industry. Their aim is to put their best efforts to get as much money as possible from consumers. But remember, you have the power over your final decision. If the rates are unreasonable, don’t let the companies win by conceding to their high prices.

Consider the cost advantages of alternate transportation. Once you decide to go by air, go into your airline ticket search armed with the best tactics and strategies, and fight back by lowering your ticket costs. If you want to get the best rates, you need to consider your comfort level with these strategies, weigh the pros and cons, and then pick out which plans you want to put into action. The websites like Trip Reserver are there to help you out by providing accurate information about the flights. As mentioned above in the post, you need to be tuned with the updated information to get the cheap flights. So be a smart traveler and book the cheap flights instead of getting bullied due to ignorance. Stay tuned with Trip Reserver, for the updated news on air travel.

