A complete guideline for earning bounty.

TripEcoSys Team
Published in
3 min readSep 6, 2018

TripPay token distribution is flourished with clients bounty reward! Promote TCH and get up to 5% of the total TripPay tokens. Distributed once participants content is submitted and validated.

Bounty Type :

  1. Sign-up Bonus.
  2. Referral Joining Bonus.
  3. Joining official Telegram Group.
  4. Follow,Share,comment on our official Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Steemit, reddit page.

Rewards and Rules

Sign-Up Bonus

100 TripPay(TCH) for signing up at https://www.tripecosys.com/.

Referral Joining Bonus.

100 TripPay(TCH) will be rewarded for every user join under your referral & 100 TCH for everyone those are joined under your referral.

*** Sign-Up & referral bonus will be approved once e-mail verification is done****


500 TripPay(TCH) for Joining our official Telegram Group : https://t.me/tripecosys


— 100 TripPay(TCH) will be awarded for Following our official twitter account : https://twitter.com/tripecosys.

500 TripPay(TCH) will be awarded for per tweet. Tweets must be in English & have to use hashtag ‘@tripecosys’ of our official twitter account. Unusual post will not be acceptable for bounty claim.


100 TripPay(TCH) will be awarded for sharing post of our Facebook official page : https://www.facebook.com/tripecosys.

500 TripPay(TCH) will be awarded for per posting about our platform in Facebook. Must have to use hashtag ‘#tripecosys & #trippay’ . Unusual post will not be acceptable for bounty claim.


500 TripPay(TCH) will be awarded for per content that published on reddit about our platform.

50 TripPay(TCH) will be awardedwill be awarded for sharing our Reddit post of official page :https://new.reddit.com/user/tripecosys on reddit.


500 TripPay(TCH) will be awarded for per posting on steemit about our platform. Post must be in English & Must have to use tag ‘tripecosys & trippay’ in post. Otherwise post will not be accecpted for bounty claim.

100 TripPay(TCH) will be awarded for re-steeming our official steemit page post :https://steemit.com/@tripecosys.

50 TripPay(TCH) will be awarded for upvoting our official steemit page post :https://steemit.com/@tripecosys.


100 TripPay(TCH) will be awarded for following our official Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/TripEcoSys.


1000 TripPay(TCH) will be awarded for creating a YouTube video about our Platform/ICO or Bounty .

*It will be Valid for who have a YouTube channel of 1 to 1000 active subscribers. *

Get TripPay(TCH) token according to your amount of subscribers. Ex: if anyone have 25000 subscribers then he/she will get 25000 TCH for making a video about our Platform/ICO or Bounty .

How to claim bounty?

For Telegram

Step 01: Sign-In at our official website(Sign-up first if you didn’t do that).

Step 02 : Go to Profile→ Information and you will see the page like below image.

Step 03 : If you already joined our Telegram group, submit your telegram ID under ‘Telegram Verfied?’ option.

For Other Social Bounty.

Step 01: Go to Bounty→ Add/Details and you will see the page like below image.

Step 02: Submit your Post URL /USER ID URL/Shared Post URL/Video URL from ‘URL’ option and select type from ‘Type’ option . See the associated bounty category from the list below.

Bounty Category list associated with various social platform :

  1. Facebook → Post,Share.
  2. Twitter → Follow,Share.
  3. Reddit → Post,Share.
  4. SteemIt → Post,Share,Up-vote.
  5. Instagram → Follow.
  6. YouTube → Post.

N.B.: If Bounty type is ‘Follow’ just submit profile URL and will approve it after verification.

Official Links:

Site : https://www.tripecosys.com/.

Disclaimer: This is a manual process so, it can take upto 24 hours once cheeked by our bounty team your bonus TCH token will be approved .

