The Best Online Exam WordPress Plugins — A Guide

If you’re looking for the best WordPress exam plugin for your website, this tutorial is a must-read.

Jurgen van den Brink
10 min readDec 20, 2021


If your business or organization has a WordPress site, and you want to create exams or quizzes to publish on it, then you’ll need a WordPress exam plugin because WordPress alone doesn’t offer this kind of built-in functionality.

A WordPress exam plugin is an add-on that enables you to create online tests, assessments, exams, and quizzes to post on your website. Not only that, but a high-quality exam plugin will also come with gamification elements to make your quizzes more engaging and enticing. Needless to say, this works wonders for boosting completion rates!

In light of that, we’re reviewing the four best online WordPress exam plugins to help give you a better feel of what’s out there. There’s lots to cover, so let’s dive straight in!

Why Online Exams and Tests?

Today, we live in a world of live video learning and online testing. To summarize, here are just some of the advantages of online exams over traditional offline quizzes:

  • They’re less time consuming;
  • The administrative costs are much lower;
  • Online exams are easy to access, edit, and administer;
  • Online exams are secure and offer even greater confidentiality when taken on a secure site;
  • Online exams and quizzes can be interactive and visual;
  • You have the ability to provide users with instant results.

There are many WordPress exam plugins out there. Some are free, some you have to pay for — with so much choice, when it comes to picking the best add-on, it’s easy to see how things can get confusing and overwhelming.

To help you out, we’ve handpicked four WordPress exam plugins to help you get started on creating your first online exam:

1. Tripetto

Tripetto is a highly customizable WordPress exam plugin that enables you to create forms, assessments, exams, quizzes, and surveys. You can build interactive and conversational forms and tests for your WordPress site using easy-to-implement advanced logic.

Tripetto also provides intelligent automations that will save you time and resources. For instance, Tripetto will automatically notify you via email when a user completes your exam, so rest assured, you’ll never miss a beat!

In addition, Tripetto is hosted within WordPress, which means your data is hosted there, too. So you don’t have to rely on external platforms or infrastructures. Instead, you have complete control over your data. And thanks to Tripetto’s webhook connections, you can further organize and analyze your response data with over 1000+ services, including Mailchimp, Google Sheets, and many others.

Tripetto Features

Tripetto boasts several features that will help you build engaging exams for your WordPress site. These include:

Question Types

There’s a wide range of question blocks to help you create an online exam experience that’s best suited to your WordPress site users.

For each exam, you can set different question types that determine how the respondent can answer the questions you’ve set. For instance:

  • Multiple choice: Give respondents a set of answers to choose from;
  • Number: Here, users can enter a number, and you can apply automated checks to validate their inputs;
  • Paragraph: This will show a static block of text without any input controls for respondents;
  • Picture choice: Users can select one or more items from a set of picture choices;
  • Rating: Users can choose a rating from a pre-set scale;
  • Single-line text: Here, respondents can type answers in just one line;
  • And much more. See all question types here.

Logic Types

Tripetto has numerous logic features that allow you to build highly customized exams, tests, and surveys. Not only that but using the correct logic will also increase user completion rates and provide a better insight into who your audience is.

There are three logic types:

  • Branch Logic: As users complete questions, Tripetto responds to their answers by only asking further questions that apply to the respondent;
  • Piping Logic: You can use this to make your exam forms seem more like a personal conversation. Piping logic uses the respondent’s completed answers from previous questions in the form to build better rapport. For example, you can ask respondents their names in the first question and then use this response to create a more personalized experience in subsequent queries;
  • Jump Logic: This is also known as Routing or Logic Jumps. It allows respondents to skip irrelevant parts of your form and move on to other selected points. However, you can use ‘required fields’ to guarantee you collect the data you need. In some cases, this type of jump may take a respondent straight to the end of the form without needing to answer any additional questions.


One of Tripetto’s unique features is its calculator block. This feature allows you to assign points, scores, or weights to each answer when setting tests or exams.

In short, the calculator block is a potent tool; it can also be utilized to fulfill tons of other use cases, including:

  • Displaying quotations by calculating product prices;
  • Applying discounts;
  • Performing formulas and conversions, e.g., a BMI calculator;
  • Performing age eligibility checks by calculating the age of a respondent.

As is the case with all Tripetto features, you can use the calculator block without any coding. Moreover, you can use multiple calculators per form and use one calculator outcome as an input for another.


Tripetto empowers you to customize your exams using the following features inside of its quiz builder:

  • Versatile layouts with convertible faces that can display the survey or exam in auto-scroll mode, a chat interface, or a classic mode;
  • You can edit the fonts, colors, buttons, backgrounds, input controls, scroll direction, labels, and translations;
  • It’s easy to split questions across sections to create a multi-part exam/test;
  • You can style the exam based on your WordPress theme so that it complements your website’s overall aesthetic;
  • You have the choice of storing results in a hidden field.

Below is an excellent example of a custom trivia quiz created using Tripetto. Here, fun colors and graphics have been used to bolster engagement, and Tripetto’s autoscroll form face in a horizontal scroll direction (left-right) has been adopted for ease of use.

Deployment, Sharing, and Tracking

Once you’ve created an exam, you can have it live within a few minutes.

You don’t need any coding knowledge. Instead, you can share or deploy your exam in the following ways:

  • As a shareable URL;
  • Embedded into a web page using a shortcode;
  • Via a Gutenberg block;
  • Via an Elementor widget.

Then once your exam has gone live, you can keep track of your conversion rates using Facebook Pixel and Google Analytics.

On top of that, you can also process values by using webhooks such as Integromat and Zapier. You can then connect your response data to all kinds of other online services to configure automatic follow-up actions. Tripetto offers integrations with over 1000+ services, including Mailchimp, Google Sheets, and many others. Again, all of this is possible without a single line of code.


Tripetto’s Pro version starts from $99 a year for one WordPress site and comes with an unconditional 14-day money-back guarantee.

2. The WP Quiz Plugin

WP Quiz is a specialized WordPress exam plugin specifically designed to create quizzes, surveys, and exams. There are two versions: free and paid, but the free version doesn’t include its exam functionality.

The WP Quiz Plugin Features

WP Quiz Premium has several quizzes and test building features. There are six test types available:

  1. Trivia test;
  2. Personality quiz;
  3. Swiper test (to compare objects/people/images);
  4. A Facebook quiz that users can share on social media;
  5. A flip quiz — here, users flip through images and options to score points;
  6. List quizzes — here, users can move a question up or down to upvote or downvote.

Other notable features include:

  • Customization: You can use the WP advanced panel to customize your settings, including colors;
  • Advanced statistics: Here, you can access data pertaining to the success of your online quizzes;
  • Styling: You can set quizzes on single or multi-pages;
  • Quiz/exam options: You can create exams with hints, correct answer explanations, auto-scroll next question, countdown timers, and a completion time;
  • Login/register: Here, users can only see a results page if they register on your site;
  • Monetization: Ask users to pay to play tests/quizzes and display ads between questions.

The WP Quiz plugin integrates with Google Analytics and other popular email marketing providers like MailChimp, GetResponse, and AWeber, which is good to know if you’re looking to involve your email list in your exam strategy.

This WordPress exam plugin’s design is also responsive and can be viewed on mobile, tablet, and desktop devices.


The paid version of WP Quiz starts at $57 a year and comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

3. Quiz Cat

Quiz Cat is designed for WordPress users who need a plugin to create fun online exams and viral quizzes. For example, if you’re a business or a blogger looking to generate more traffic and user engagement, Quiz Cat may be of interest.

Quiz Cat Features

Features worth noting include:

Weighted Quizzes

You can create more complicated and powerful quizzes by assigning points to each response rather than just offering respondents a simple Yes/No/Correct/Incorrect response style.

Personality Quizzes

Build engaging personality quizzes that can go viral on social media through social shares.

List-Building Tactics

Generate leads by asking for contact details if quiz respondents want to see their results.

Other notable features include:

  • You can track user activity and results;
  • There’s a Facebook pixel integration;
  • You can export quiz responses.

Quiz Cat integrates with MailChimp, AWeber, GetResponse, Active Campaign, Drip, and Zapier.


The base version of Quiz Cat costs $49 a year and comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee. However, this pricing plan doesn’t include weighted questions, analytics, or data export features. For these, you’ll have to upgrade to either the Business Plan costing $79 a year or the Elite Plan costing $149 a year.

4. Quiz Maker

Quiz Maker is another specialized WordPress exam plugin for online test and exam creation. It’s well-suited for schools and educational facilities because of its focus on providing advanced exam functionalities rather than marketing or lead-generation functionalities.

Users can build fully customizable and advanced level exams, including setting an unlimited number of questions and quizzes, where unlimited participants can take the test simultaneously.

Quiz Maker Features

There are several Quiz Maker features worth mentioning:


You can set different questions, including multiple-choice, that use a checkbox, tick box, dropdown menu, or radio buttons. You can also set text questions where users have to type in the answer. In addition, you can ask questions that require a numerical response or by entering in a date.

Different Quiz Styles

These include multiple-choice questions, scored answers, IQ tests, assessments, personality, trivia quizzes, and diagnostic tests.

Setting Restrictions

This quiz maker plugin allows you to run password-protected quizzes that need users to log in to complete the tests. This is a good way of preventing others from copying your questions.

Additional features include:

  • Custom fields for collecting user data;
  • Weighted questions and answers;
  • Time-based quizzes with countdown timer;
  • You can show correct answers and text for right/wrong answers;
  • You can have leaderboards to boost engagement;
  • Admins get notifications of quiz results;
  • You can send customized certificates of completion;
  • You can export results and/or present them in visual charts.

This exam WordPress plugin integrates with PayPal, WooCommerce, Slack, MailChimp, Zapier, and Campaign Monitor.


Quiz Maker has a free version with minimal features. Its paid version starts at $39 for a one-time payment and includes a 30-day money-back guarantee. At the time of writing, this price was discounted to $27.

Are You Ready to Use The Best WordPress Quiz Plugin for Your Website?

Now that we’ve taken you through the most popular WordPress exam plugins, hopefully, you have a clearer idea of what you can achieve for your WordPress site.

It’s undoubtedly true that most of the top WordPress plugins offer similar/same features. However, Tripetto stands out because it’s a WordPress exam plugin that takes online exams and quizzes to the next level.

How? It has a set of unique features that set it apart from its competitors:

  • Great UX and UI that’s easy and intuitive to use by both exam creators and respondents;
  • There are tons of features on offer, including advanced logic and customization options;
  • You have access to intelligent automations that save you time and resources;
  • No coding knowledge is needed to create even the most advanced exams and quizzes;
  • Your data is stored on your own WordPress site, so you have complete control over it;
  • With Tripetto’s endless list of integrations, your data can be sent to 1000+ connected services with Integromat, Zapier, Pabbly Connect and custom webhooks, for further analysis and manipulation.

In addition, Tripetto’s features aren’t exclusively for the creation of exams and quizzes. The components can also be used for different types of shareable forms and surveys, including product evaluations, customer satisfaction surveys, order forms, trivia quizzes, screening tests, and much more.

Put simply, by investing in Tripetto, you have one package offering lots of functionalities for your business. So check us out today and see how Tripetto can help your business thrive.

Originally published at on December 20, 2021.

