Tripio Update 2.8–2.15

Published in
1 min readFeb 15, 2019

Tripio Overview:

Tripio (Listed on OKEx、Huobi Global) is the first travel marketplace based on the blockchain. It leverages the decentralized network provided by blockchain technologies to directly connect global customers and service providers. Moreover, it builds a service ecosystem based on transparent, tamper-resistant trust and incentives. Tripio’s technologies reduce transactional and operational costs in travel industries, as well as improve customer experience in their respective products and services. Tripio’s investors include OK Blockchain Capital, BlockVC, INBlockchain, FreeS Fund, Blue Ridge Capital (China), Ceyuan Ventures, Node Capital, GENESIS Capital, TRON, F2Pool and others. Tripio also got publicly supported by Mr.Tian Jiangsen(Vice president of Microsoft Asia Pacific Research Institute)and Mr.Yu Wei(Global partner of Microsoft)

Hello everyone, this is the first week after the New Year. We will be on duty and start a new year! Support us in 2019!

Developer Updates

1. Android/iOS merchant direct connected property module product design drawing output, to be developed
2.Android/iOS membership rights demand in the first phase of acceptance
3. Hotel order status issue has been fixed
4. Mobile/Email account optimization program output
5. Hotel search strategy optimization program output
6. Community destination signing partners in the new version of the award rules

