What is ‘closed loop on-chain’ in travel blockchain

Published in
1 min readJan 4, 2019

Tripio “closed loop on-chain” was developed and officially launched in December. As the world’s first blockchain project to put all services on-chain, let us introduce what is the“closed loop on-chain”:

Logic diagram

The core of the “closed loop on-chain” is the Tripio Protocol, which is based on the Ethereum. It makes Room Nights, the use right of hotels for one night, as an ERC-721 token. The entire transaction process is based on the chain. In the future, more localized inventory will be turned into on-chain inventory through Tripio and open to global users.

Any travel accommodation apps can directly use the inventories which are on-chain assets based on Tripio. And it will make the turnover of hotels and homestays more convenient and efficient. The local inventory management cost of each hotel will also be reduced, which will greatly improve the efficiency of the industry.

Tripio Protocol is a basic protocol. With more and more inventories on Tripio Protocol, it will attract more and more accommodation apps for different fields to carry out its own business on Tripio. Tripio Procotol will become the TCP/IP of the blockchain travel accommodation industry in the future.

