Conquest of Shadownia: Hardcover Update

Triple J Studios
Triple J Studios
Published in
2 min readOct 10, 2016


This blog post was originally posted on Thursday, October 17, 2013 by Jarrett Smith. This post has been edited for formatting and spelling.

Salutations once again. It’s Jarrett here with another update regarding Victory Tower.

It’s official. All of our hard work has finally paid off. Descent Into Darkness Part 1: Victory Tower has gone hardcover. It took us longer than expected, but here it is:

With the hardcover ready, I felt that I should address some new information regarding the title.

In the previous post related to Victory Tower, we mentioned the going price for the book. However, we’ve decided to change a few things. The Canadian and U.S. versions of the hardcover will now be sold for $16.99, as opposed to $17.99. The prices for the other marketplaces have also gone through a similar influx.

Another change is the online store. Sadly, with a limited team focusing on many other projects, we have not yet completed the online store. However, the hardcover is available through Amazon and Barnes and Noble. It can also be found on Chapters Indigo, as well as other smaller sites on the web. The ebook is also available on all of the markets mentioned in the previous post.

We’ve been working so hard on making this project succeed, so I am proud to say that Part 1 is ready for all to read. Of course, where there is Part 1, there must also be Part 2. Stay tuned for further news regarding Shadownia.

Thank you for reading, and take a look at Victory Tower if you haven’t already.



Triple J Studios
Triple J Studios

Our goal is to make projects that assist, entertain, and inspire.