Introducing: Triple J Studios Website 3.0

Triple J Studios
Triple J Studios
Published in
4 min readOct 10, 2016

This blog post was originally posted on Wednesday, December 18, 2013 by Christopher Jr. Riley.

Today, we are thrilled to show you our new website. In this version of the website, we’ve decided to redesign it once again: to create a more consistent design with a dash of personality on every page. Our goal with this version is to balance everything out; create a website with simplicity in mind without sacrificing the information that you will need to know about our projects. We’ve incorporated Flat Dove heavily into our website and we’ve also set up the website for even more features that we will implement in the future.

You are first greeted with the webpage. On the top, we have the featured announcements from the company in general in the form of a slideshow (Right now, there’s only one item on the slideshow, more will be added next year). It’s much bigger and wider then before. It’s your home portal of sorts for the website and with everything that we do in the company.

Looking at the footer, you can see that we have completely redesigned it: the icons are bigger, it’s cleaner, more organized, and flush with everything else in the website.

When you look at the top, you’ll notice that we have even added a few things. Apart from the new logo, you will see a “list” button on the left, and an envelope button on the right. When you hover your mouse over to the top or when you click on the list button, the navigation bar pops up. This is to give the website more space, especially for mobile devices and small laptop sizes. Whenever you scroll the website, the entire top bar shanks to a bare minimum, giving you even more space.

And clicking on the envelope button will pull up the contact page from anywhere in the website.

Our projects page has been completely redesigned. We now have a tile format, and when more projects come, we will add them here. (The top-right icon on the apps section is not clickable. That is on purpose.)

You can see that all of our pages for our project have been either tweaked or redesigned. We won’t cover them right now, but you can always explore them in your connivence. You can also view the gallery above if you’d like.

Finally, we have the Company pages. In the Who We Are page, we have simplified the layout with just text and our exec photos (we’ll add the bios at a later date).

With the blog, we’ve streamlined the way you view an article and we have removed any non-essential elements.

And don’t forget: all of these additions are available in a responsive format, so it works great on all devices, whether it would be a laptop, desktop, tablet, or smartphone.

And with that said, this is all that we have to show you for today. Overtime, we will add more things such as small animations, a Press page, and other future things that we can’t tell you about at this moment. We’d also like to hear from you. Does it look great? Does it need improvements? Leave a comment down below or email us at

Thanks for reading and please enjoy our new website!



Triple J Studios
Triple J Studios
Editor for

Our goal is to make projects that assist, entertain, and inspire.