Maximizing your career growth: How Triple helps to develop personally and professionally

Claudia Tak
Published in
4 min readFeb 28, 2023

If you have any involvement with technology in your work, you are probably well aware that this industry moves at a very fast pace. New developments keep popping up and as a result, your technical knowledge will likely develop rapidly. This continuous speed makes it easy to forget about your personal development. And it is precisely this personal development that can greatly benefit you in the further course of your career, whether you are a starter or a seasoned senior.

Personal development is a broad term. By personal development, we refer to the way you work to improve your skills and characteristics. In vacancies, many employers claim to value employee development highly. However, what that development entails exactly varies significantly from company to company. And so does the guidance you receive in the process.

The importance of personal growth

So, let’s start by determining why it is so important to engage in personal growth. Is it not sufficient to know everything there is to know in your field? Having a solution for every challenge? Being entirely up to date with all new developments? While these are all great qualities that will take you a long way, if you also manage to pay sufficient attention to your personal development, you will see that you can continue growing even further. With clear goals, your challenges become learning moments, rather than items on your to-do list. You gain more self-confidence and learn to understand your behaviour much better. You will be able to set priorities more easily and feel more energized and motivated, both in your work and private life. All of these things make you more level-headed and in balance. And let’s face it, that’s not only a benefit for yourself but also for your employer. Happy colleagues are good for the atmosphere and positively impact the quality of work.

No ‘evaluation’- but ‘evolution’ talks

For all these reasons, among others, the personal development of our colleagues is paramount at Triple. We believe it is essential and that growth does not just come from intrinsic motivation; sometimes, you must encourage people a little. We, therefore, organize ‘evolution talks’ with all our colleagues once every eight weeks. Yes, you read this correctly, this talk is about ‘evolution’ and not about ‘evaluation’. This is because we see particular value in looking ahead in evolving. Growth as a person and a professional involves mistakes; we don’t need to dwell on that for too long. But by regularly discussing our colleagues’ performance and determining how we can improve ourselves even further, we motivate each other to get the best out of ourselves.

These interviews are basically conducted with three people present each time. The colleague, someone with more experience with your skills who can give substantive feedback, and a dedicated in-house coach (like me). The coach mainly zooms in on you as an individual. How are you doing privately, what impact does this have on you and your work, and how can Triple help with that? Where do you want to grow, why, and is this a realistic next step? If an employee’s goals are unachievable, we will be honest about it, but if we see a slight chance that it might succeed, we will guide you. We have all sorts of training available for that purpose, for both technology and soft skills (communication, leadership, etc.) with which we can help you achieve your goals.

Triple fosters a true friendship culture, and we take the personal development of our people extremely seriously. As an employer, we know we can help our colleagues move forward, so we are always there for them. Day and night, if needed. Despite Triple’s growth, we like to remain small in how we treat one another.

Learning our international colleagues the Dutch language

Triple is becoming increasingly international. The primary language of communication on the work floor is, therefore, English but we continuously try to offer our international colleagues small pieces of Dutch language and culture. That is why we have a Dutch learning program for colleagues who do not yet master the language and we do casual chats at the coffee machine such as ‘good morning’, ‘how are you’ and ‘how was your weekend’ in Dutch. We also teach them crazy Dutch things that are completely useless. One of our international colleagues can name the TV-TAS islands better than the average Dutch Triple colleague. Cool, right?

Are you curious about Triple and want to know what we can do for each other? Please check out our vacancies or contact our recruiters.

