Roland’s week

Senior iOS Developer

3 min readJul 23, 2018



I start the Monday at the office of Buienradar (RTL) in Hilversum. I open my laptop at 8:30 am to get some progress before the stand-up starts at 9 o’clock. After we briefly discuss what we’re doing this week and what we’re struggling with, I get back to work. During lunch and between working, I chat with my Buienradar colleagues and occasionally with meteorologists, which is a different chat than I’m used to with the developers at ‘home’.

My spot at the Buienradar office


Today I’m back at the Triple HQ in Alkmaar, where I’ll be working the rest of the week. I’m busy working on Buienradar, with an occasional project in between. Every Tuesday I organize Tropical Tuesday, during this evening employees can work on their own projects. The idea of Tropical Tuesday came four years ago. I noticed that some of my colleagues had little time or didn’t take the time to work on their own projects. The goal of Tropical Tuesday is to bring people together. This afternoon I start organizing the 179th edition! 🌴

During Tropical Tuesday I always make some time to play some table foosball


Normally I spend most of the Wednesday working on Buienradar, but today I help with a project that we do for FOX Sports, which deadline is approaching. I often work on projects that need a little help, I’m not difficult about that. Fortunately, I always perform well under high work pressure. At 5 pm, I quickly drive home to see some bits of the World Cup.

Left: we transformed the boardroom into a ‘war room’ to work on FOX Sports.


Today I’m working on a new interface for Buienradar. I hope you can see it as soon as possible in the app! After work, I go out for dinner with the iOS team. The last few months, we’ve all been very busy with some projects and have worked some overtime hours. It’s time for a teambuilding moment with a delicious reward!

Dinner at the beach with the iOS team! I’m the one making the selfie ;)


It’s Friday! Today I’m organizing a 2v2 FIFA tournament for colleagues and former colleagues. In the morning I’m busy with coding, after the lunch some colleagues and I transform the canteen into a game arena. This is the first time that we’ll be streaming the tournament on Twitch, very exciting! After we’ve eaten our pizzas, the tournament starts. Together with my partner, I reach the semi-finals. What a great evening! 💪

The tournament had 11 teams!

Thanks for joining me this week!

Want to become my colleague? We’re looking for a new iOS Developer to join the Triple family! Check out the vacancy here.




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