NFT Nights: Book a Five-Night Stay at Writer’s Nest in Lake Como (Italy)

Experiment 2: the first NFT booking in Italian history

Luca De Giglio (Tripluca)
7 min readMay 15, 2021


“I wish I could buy it but I only own Doge coins”
George Cloonwei


We are putting a second NFT booking on the market
(here’s the first one) with the aim to collect some more experience and data on the potential of this technology in the travel space.

The manager of the villa is RentAllComo of Simone Majeli, a friend; a well known figure in the STR space, and the future NFT king of Como.

👑 Simone Majeli, the future NFT King of Como

This experiment is pretty similar to the first one with a few important exceptions:

1) 5 nights anytime in June, July August or September

In the first experiment, we realized that the chance in finding a crypto person, who not only heard about the NFT, but also wanted to go to that villa for that particular week; at that price and with a certain number of friends or family, in the COVID-19 times was pretty slim.

So this NFT will be more flexible: it gives you the right to a 5-night stay anytime this summer between 1.6.2021 and 30.9.2021. 🌴
All you have to do is: purchase it and block the dates with Simone, immediately or later. ☎️
Of course, if the dates have been booked, the NFT owner cannot request them.

Also, this doesn’t force us to close the dates during the auction, as we did in the first experiment. This is better for the manager who is not losing potential bookings.

The NFT is valid in 2022 with a +20% for the same period, so the buyer may simply consider it as a pre-paid card with an option on some dates.
The higher price is due to the fact that an open air Jacuzzi will be built.
👙 Yes, an open-air-lake-front-sexy-feeling-freaking Jacuzzi.

2) ➕ Nights can be added on top

The NFT is valid for 5 nights, but the guest can buy extra nights directly with Simone.
That means the NFT can be used also for a week stay or longer, but not for less than 5 nights; this villa has a 5-night stay minimum.

3) 💵 We will only accept stable coins

Price volatility was one of the main issues with the first NFT in Ibiza.
It turns out we were very lucky as ETH, (OK, we kind of knew it), went up in price, and we sold it for €6233.80 with a nice €1033.8 profit.
The whole volatility issue introduces a lot of extra work and risks which make it less scalable.
In this experiment, we’ll accept USD based stable coins and simplify everything because they are worth $1 all the time.

4) 🎓 The Manager Must Learn Crypto

In the first experiment, the manager didn’t know crypto, but his brother Francesco did, and we worked out the best way to deal with it together.
In other words, Francesco took care of the crypto/NFT side of it.

The manager, Simone, is not in crypto, and no one around him is; so we’ll teach him the fundamentals.
This forced us to think of the easiest way to do this.
Sending him the money from the NFT sale is the easy part: he only has to open a Coinbase or Binance account, give us the address, receive the crypto, change it to Euros and send it to his company’s bank account.

This, with our help, will be pretty easy and very safe.
The only mistake he could do is to give us the wrong public address, but we’ll make sure to look at his shared screen while he does it

If the NFT is purchased by a random crypto user then it’s great as Simone won’t need to learn anything at all.

But, as it happened the first time, the buyer will be a no-coiner, we’ll have to help Simone to purchase the NFT in the name of the guest.
Here is where it gets tricky: he will need to buy stable coins, send those to a wallet and use it to purchase the NFT.


Come on, you know that the award-winning novel you’ve been planning to write needs this to come to life.

Check out all the villa details on the Airbnb listing.


🗓️ The Dates

This NFT is valid for any available:

  • 5–night stay between 1st of June to 30th of September 2021
  • 5–night stay between 1st of June to 30th of September 2022 (+20% on the price)

🏷️ The Price

The OTA price is between €4831 and €8137, depending on the period.
The NFT price is exactly €4500 at any time.

Both prices are with the final cleaning fee included.

The NFT is about 17% cheaper on average, from a minimum of 6% less to 45% less.

Web2 is expensive

❌ Cancellation Policy

Non-Refundable, resell allowed.

The buyer can sell the booking by reselling the NFT if unable to complete their stay.
The buyer could also put it up for sale immediately after purchase to try and profit from the cheaper-than-OTA price, since there’s some margin to play with.

📆 Date change: allowed

Guests can change the dates for free; up to 30 days before arrival.
A supplement will be paid in case the newly chosen dates are more expensive.

😷 Covid-19 Conditions

  • If Como or Lombardia airports (Malpensa, Linate, Bergamo) shut down in that period, we’ll issue a full refund.
  • If the country of departure for the guests shuts down in that period, the NFT will be spendable on another property in Como in 2021 or 2022.
    The available properties are many.
  • The corresponding price difference will be added or refunded.

💰 Damage Deposit

This villa requires a €500 cash refundable deposit on arrival.


We will launch this again on OpenSea, because it’s still the best out there.
It even recently paid us out an unexpected commission:

This is about $100

But, hey, this is crypto, and we are used to unexpected money drops (Uniswap wink wink 😜 😘)

We will add a new twist to this experiment: ⛓ multichain marketplaces.

The idea is to put the same NFT for sale on several marketplaces at the same time in order to access more markets.
We are still in the process of deciding where, because there’s been a lot of development in the space lately.
We’ll keep you informed by updating this article.

⛽ The Gas Costs

(skip this paragraph if you want to preserve your sanity)

When Elon Musk adopted Dogecoin he sparkled a lot of new Dogecoin killers which invaded the market and gobbled up so much gas that a single NFT minting was probably about $500 but then Vitalik Buterin got the tokens worth tens of millions of dollars (not a billion as most say) he was unwillingly given and donated them to the India Covid Relief Fund (basically an ETH address) crashing the dog tokens and bringing things back to, somewhat, normal.

Yeah, that’s the kind of stuff we go through in crypto.

Anyway, gas is still expensive but buying this NFT shouldn’t cost more than a few dollars now.

Other Costs

OpenSea charges a 2.5% commission on each sale which is paid by the owner.
It’s free for the buyer.


We received several applications, and we hope to bring them all to the market.
Thank you all for applying!

Apply here with your property >>


Enough talk.
The auction started on the 17th of May and will end on the 31st of May at 3PM, Como time.
During these two weeks anyone can make an offer.

If no one makes an offer, future buyers will be still be able to make offers, and we’ll accept them manually.
Let’s go!
Get on OpenSea and make your offer!


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