🪂 The New Trips Token Has Been Airdropped. Check Your Wallet!

Luca De Giglio (Tripluca)
Published in
2 min readJan 30, 2024

The (old) token is dead, long live the (new) token

The icon for the new token
  • We have upgraded the token
  • The new token is already in your wallet.
    It does not need to be claimed or upgraded: we sent you (airdropped) the new one.
  • The old one is worthless now.
  • Disregard any email or message to claim the airdrop. There is no claim.

🔎 Where is the new token?

  • If you had it on Gnosis, it’s on Gnosis.
  • If you had it on Polygon, it’s on Polygon.
  • If you had it on Mainnet, it’s NOT ON MAINNET but on Gnosis (read further on why).

-”Is it in my wallet?”
- “Yes, but you won’t see it until you add the token contract”

Three things you should do:

1️⃣ Relax

Nothing needs to be done in a hurry.
The token is already there, in your wallet.

2️⃣ Check whether you received it

It’s in the same address on the same chain, with one exception: if you had it on Ethereum Mainnet, it’s on Gnosis now.
Why? We airdropped it there because Ethereum Mainnet is expensive, and we didn’t add any liquidity pools there (i.e. you can’t trade it)

Check your address on Gnosisscan and Polygonscan.

The name is TRIPS from Mainnet on Gnosis and TRIPS (PoS) on Polygon (name are assigned by the bridges, not us).

3️⃣ Add them to the wallet

If you want to 👀see them in your wallet 🦊, you need to add it manually.

You do that by adding the token contract:

Gnosis contract: 0x5ec52B23D7a22B238bC0f8fF82B778d1419101e1

Polygon contract: 0x255401ca9d64B212274710866Fa9e1152cCfdDfB

Mainnet: 0x89753021899f0D544f22FecE2ABa578304C5cf57
You don’t have any here, but it’s the main token, and the ones on Gnosis and Polygon are bridged from here. This is just for your information.


If you had tokens on Tip.cc, there is nothing you need to do, it’s been upgraded to the new token and when you withdraw, you get the new token.


For now the only pool is on Gnosis.

More information will be shared https://www.tripscommunity.com/token/

Any problem?

Read the two articles:

- Voting for the future home of $TRIPS Token
- The Trips Token Upgrade

Head to Discord or Telegram and we’ll help you.

🚩🚩🚩Important: we will NEVER contact you directly. If you get a DM, it’s a scam!

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