The NFT Nights DAO

Or how a group of people will buy the used NFT for its historical value

Luca De Giglio (Tripluca)
5 min readApr 13, 2021


It can be traded? OK, let’s trade it. The DAO will buy it for… (read below)


Last update: 19th of April
If you buy the NFT and stay at the villa, you have the guarantee that you will be able to sell it to the DAO for at least $2000.
🏷️ 📉 It’s basically an extra discount on the already discounted villa, (from OTA commissions).

We believe the NFT of Villa Natura in Ibiza will potentially have an enormous historical value.
It’s going to be the first NFT booking in history and if this becomes an industry standard, the first one will find its place in the metaverse museums, private collections and so on.

Inspired by the PleasrDAO formed around the purchase of the Uniswap “x*y=k” NFT for over $500k, we decided to put our money where our mouth is: if we really believe it will have a value AFTER the stay, why don’t we buy it?

Many in the community really loved the idea of the NFT but most of us cannot actually buy it and spend a week in Ibiza on those dates.

Read about the NFT Booking for this villa >>

Actually, if we bought our own NFT and went to stay at the villa, it wouldn’t really prove the point.

🏦 So we opened a Gnosis Safe and started collecting money.
You can see it here >>

Here’s how it will work from various points of view:


  • You will own a percentage of the total amount.
    E.g. you pay $100, and we collect $1000: you would own 10%.
  • Someone buys the NFT and goes to stay at the villa.
  • After the stay we will offer $1000 to purchase it.
  • If the owner accepts, we will decide what to do with it.
  • Let’s say that we sell it for $2000, your share is $200 and can withdraw it from the DAO at any time.


  • You want to go to the villa. It costs €6400 on Booking and €5200 with the NFT.
  • You see that the DAO collected $2271 (about €1900). You have the guarantee, that later you can sell it for $2000 (€1670) to the DAO.
    The price of your stay is effectively €3530 (€5200-€1670) instead of €6400!
  • Of course, you are not forced to sell the NFT. Maybe you will keep it for a few years and sell it later, potentially at a higher price.
  • Maybe someone will outbid the DAO and offer you more.


  • We managed to make this NFT price even more appealing.
  • We made the experiment even more interesting: we showed how, with crypto, we can easily coordinate people around the world.


  • It’s a purchase: you will own a part of the DAO treasury.
  • Bids of up to $2000 won’t require a vote to bid on the NFT.
    So, if we raise $1500, we will bid $1500 without going through a vote first.
    If we raise $3000, we will bid $2000 without going through a vote first.
    To bid more we will need to vote.
    This gives the guest who buys the NFT the certainty about the amount the DAO will buy the NFT after the stay.
  • Votes will happen in a private Discord channel #Nft-Nights-DAO open only to the DAO members (anyone who contributed).
    More than 50% of the votes are needed to pass a proposal.
    No minimum quorum is required.
    Votes are open 24 hours.
  • If the NFT is sold, the DAO will offer to buy it after the guests have completed their stay at the villa. You can only withdraw your funds after the offer is accepted or declined.
  • If the NFT Booking is not sold after the auction, or the guest decides not to sell it to the DAO after their stay (wants to keep it or received a higher bid), you can get your money back or leave it in the safe for the next one. It’s your choice.
  • We will vote to decide when and at how much we will resell it.
  • If after the purchase there is money left, you can request your percent of the treasury back.
  • We won’t send back funds via the ETH mainnet, only to xDAI, BSC or in Discord, in order to avoid the high fees.
  • Exchange and gas fees will be paid with the treasury (the OpenSea action is in ETH).


The minimum contribution is $10 and these are the Rewards paid in Trips on the xDAI chain.

  • Contribute with $10 or more: get 5% of the value Trips
  • Contribute with $50 or more: get 10% Trips
  • Contribute with $100 or more: get 15% Trips
  • Contribute with $500 or more: get 30% Trips

(The first 20 people will get a 50% bonus on the reward.
Expired on Saturday the 17th of April midnight UTC.)

Here’s a few outcomes:

  • contribute $10: you will get $0.5 in Trips
  • contribute $50: you will get $5
  • contribute $100: you will get $15 in Trips
  • contribute $200: you will get $30 in Trips
  • contribute $500: you will get $150 in Trips


Do you find this interesting and want to participate in the DAO?
All you need to do is to send some cryptocurrencies, and we’ll take care of the rest.

Note: do not send from an exchange. Use your own wallet. If we send you Trips or other tokens to an exchange address, they will be lost.


Just send some xDAI to the Gnosis Safe address: 0x7Fbb52EbD67a73410AfCB43b92cd0C42089Af8cA


Send ETH to this address:


Send BNB, BUSD or any other major coin (easy to exchange).
If we find the coin too obscure we’ll simply send it back
(Yes, it’s the same as the one on Ethereum, it’s fine, BSC works like this)

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Buy on: Uniswap, Honeyswap or OTC

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