Leading the global response of tourism content with innovation & sustainability

Published in
2 min readOct 9, 2020
It’s just a matter of being aware

All the companies or ventures in human history have asked themselves what are those aspects that differentiate them from others and that make them unique. This leads to establishing their mission, vision, values, and a long etcetera …

However, it seems that, most of the time, companies spend too much time looking at their own navels to even realize that they are surrounded by an environment that is altered, either positively or negatively, by all those operations they undertake.

In that sense, everyone is thinking about what they want to become, what they want to do and how long it will take to do it, and they do not wonder, instead, who they are affecting, why do they do it, how do they do it and to what end.

An enterprise without purpose is a plan destined to go wrong.

As our mission is to add new and exciting experiences to people’s lives in a way that helps them enjoy the planet while taking care of all its gifts, we’re fully aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, specifically with the last-but-not-least of these objectives, the number 17th “Partnership for the Goals”, which through strategic alliances with fellow startups and well-established companies will aid us in the work towards achieving a healthier and safer world for all the people.

Learn more about the UN SDG’s and of our labor as a socially-responsible startup at tripsst.com/sdg-17-partnership-for-the-goal/ and discover what you can do for the future.

Always remember… YOU’RE UP!



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We inspire people to enjoy the planet and help them live the best experiences as they share their memories with others — www.tripsst.com