What it means to be a Digital Nomad

Giulia M. Golebiovski
Published in
4 min readOct 20, 2020
An office that you can take with you, wherever you go.

There is a well-known saying which goes “All paths lead to Rome”. That is, all paths lead to the same place.

On an entire planet with uncountable roads to follow, it can sound a bit funny that all of them end up in the same place — or better yet, in Rome. However, as shocking as it may sound, these words of wisdom aren’t trying to give you any more reasons to dream about the European summer. In reality and theory, it’s all always about the paths. Where will we walk through, at what will we gaze, and with whom will we share our experiences? If we’re all going to end up in Rome, the question “Where to?” suddenly seems tiny next to “How to get there?”. These winged sequences of turns, roundabouts, and switching lanes, are our lives on the way to Rome. So, when given the dilemma and the pressure of expectations, should we pick the thrills of worldwide adventures or the peaceful days of a steady home and a family? Is it even possible to choose?

For the risk-takers, wanderers, and free spirits, a good pick may be digital nomadism. Today’s increasingly stressful routines have pushed more than 4 million North Americans to change their lives with just their laptops and one-way tickets. This new combination of freedom, travel, and professional realization carries undiscovered possibilities, and, even though it may be tiring and tricky, it has also shown itself to be pricelessly rewarding!

Digital nomadism is a technology-enabled and location-independent lifestyle, in which workers earn their living while traveling. Generally, this is a lifestyle that allows you to explore the world, understand new cultures, study languages, and gain completely new perspectives. Whether you want to lose yourself in Brazil’s nature or grow spiritually in India, exciting experiences can easily become part of daily life. According to the 2019 MBO Partners’ Research on the independent workforce in the US, 4.8 million North Americans nowadays are digital nomads. The only requirement: a laptop! As long as there is an internet connection, a digital nomad can freely operate from anywhere in the world.

Traveling and working for a living? Wow, digital nomadism sounds like a blast! Yes, if we’re not considering that constantly moving around and working hard can build up exhaustion and, sometimes, loneliness. Digital nomadism relies on the concept of freedom, holding most to full control over their location, activities, and routines. Their goals and priorities are personal, so while some may prefer a working base for a longer time, others can choose to travel frequently. However, it relies on infrastructure just as heavily as it does on freedom, so a stable internet connection and power are essential. Cities like Berlin, Canggu and Ubud, Playa Del Carmen, Ho Chi Minh City, Lisbon, and Medellín are some nomad favorites based on their internet reliability, cost of living, infrastructure, and the presence of the digital nomad community.

The amount of information about digital nomadism has increased as it gains popularity and benefits, although, it did get deeply affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The massive and deadly rates of contamination caused many countries across the globe to close their borders, deny the arrival of tourists, and take other measures that contributed to the largest number of lockdowns at once in history. In the meantime, the heavy adoption of the home office working model led to the realization that it can help workers become more efficient and productive. In fact, many firms, big and small, are now planning on getting rid of their physical office spaces completely.

If adaptability and working remotely are trending in the COVID and post-COVID times, it’s arguable that digital nomads may or may not have the upper hand. Even though the new safety measures in traveling make it more difficult to stay longer in each location, they certainly have been a few steps ahead. Nomads have proven that versatility is their mother tongue.

Intrigued? You have every reason to be! After so many months into the pandemic, the thought of traveling (always following the most recent official security measures, of course) and exploring the horizons we got used to watching from our screens sounds more adrenaline-charged than ever! If you’re thinking of tapping into digital nomadism, today’s growing nomad community is still providing fresh and consistent content with new tips, possibilities, and information about this pioneer and free lifestyle. It’s totally worth the research.

So, we’re curious to know: what will be your next stops before arriving in Rome?

