
Trisha Dolan
Trisha Dolan
Published in
3 min readSep 23, 2019


30 min session = $ 140. One hour session = $240
A private reading consists of channelled information. You may ask specific questions or just absorb what specifics the Universe wants you to know. If you would like to receive a message from a loved one during a session, you may need to request that directly.

Angel Therapy™

It entails working with the angelic realm through various methods to bring forth healing, peace, guidance and spiritual growth. As an Angel Therapy Practitioner™ certified by Doreen Virtue, my goal is to help others learn how to connect and work with the Angels, Archangels, and Ascended Masters. I also help people tune into their natural ability to receive Divine Guidance, not only from the angelic realm, but also from their Spirit Guides, deceased loved ones, and all other forms of spiritual helpers.

Angel Therapy™ Sessions

One-an-one Angel Therapy™ sessions are available by appointment. In these sessions, I use a variety of methods and tools, such as Angel oracle cards, working with specific Archangels for clearing or healing, and chakra scanning and balancing, to bring through guidance, assistance, and healing from the angelic realm. Every Angel Therapy™ Session is unique, according to the needs of the client. Angel Therapy™ Sessions can be helpful for those who are seeking general advice from the higher realms, assistance in opening your channels of Divine Communication, or guidance about a specific issue.

What to expect:

  • To receive gentle, loving messages from your Angels and Spirit Guides that can assist you in taking the next steps of your journey.
  • To receive spiritual guidance to assist you in working through issues or in moving forward toward your intended goals and desires.
  • To come away with spiritual methods or tools that you can integrate into your life, if desired.
  • To come away feeling peaceful and as if you have received some valuable healing or guidance.

What not to expect:

  • To receive explicit answers to solve all your problems and issues, as that is not how the guides and angels work. They want to assist you in growing and thus, will often bring you counsel to help you make the changes or shifts that will bring about the solutions, or healing, you are seeking.
  • To receive predictions for the future.


Reiki is a traditional Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation. It is based on the premise that we can draw limitless amounts of energy from the universe to support and enhance the body’s innate ability to heal itself.

Unseen “Life Force Energy” which is the energy from our universe flowing through all living things IS spiritually guided through the Reiki practitioner’s hands to the person receiving the treatment. When our energy is depleted, we may feel stressed and ill. When our energy is increased or restored, we feel stronger, healthier and happier.

During a Reiki treatment, the recipient is fully clothed and is either seated or lying down on a massage table. Lighting is dim and soft music plays in the background. The practitioner gently places hands of or just above the body in specific positions, allowing the Universal Energy to be drawn by the recipient. The energy is guided by the body’s own innate wisdom, treating the “whole” person as it works to correct physical, emotional, mental and spiritual imbalances by breaking up bound up negative energies within the body. Everyone experiences Reiki differently. A session is one hour.

Reiki does not guarantee a cure nor does it take the place of medication or other medical modalities.

Angel Readings

During an angel reading, intuitively, I connect with angels around you for guidance and healing in all aspects of your life. Occasionally, I will use beautiful angel oracle cards to assist us. Angels are pure love beings who already know everything about you. Experience the opening of the door to the “Other Side” in messages you receive from departed friends and loved ones. Do they just want to let you know they are around you, that they are okay? Because of the law of free will they do not interfere in your life unless it is a life and death situation, and it is not your time to go. All you need to do is ask them to help you and talk to them as you would your best friend. They are just waiting for you to invite them in.

A reading is a half hour minimum and may be done in person or by phone.

Spiritual or Angel healing

These healings are channeled healings from your angels, guides or other spiritual beings who want to assist you. This is usually done through hands on healing while sitting or lying down. A session is generally an hour long.



Trisha Dolan
Trisha Dolan

Psychic Medium 30+ years; Author “You Too Are Psychic; Everyone Is!”