Capetown Part Two

Michael Hazard
Published in
5 min readJan 20, 2015

[caption id=”attachment_399" align=”alignnone” width=”300"]

favorite flower

favorite flower[/caption]

[caption id=”attachment_405" align=”alignnone” width=”300"]

Table mountain with its table cloth

Table mountain with its table cloth[/caption]

[caption id=”attachment_402" align=”alignnone” width=”300"]

The garden of theFloraBay Resorts where we stayed when first arriving in capetown

The garden of theFloraBay Resorts where we stayed when first arriving in capetown[/caption]



[caption id=”attachment_404" align=”alignnone” width=”300"]

The Noordhoek concert

The Noordhoek concert[/caption]

[caption id=”attachment_398" align=”alignnone” width=”300"]

Beach Art

Beach Art[/caption]

[caption id=”attachment_397" align=”alignnone” width=”300"]

Lions Head

Lions Head[/caption]

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Today is the 19 January I have some catching up to do, since we moved to the water front on the 2 nd of January.

On the last post I for got to mention a major calamity that befell us in Franschhoek the day before we left

We were driving down the Main Street of Franschhoek and saw an ATM machine and decided to take some money out as we were running short of cash. Trish jumped out of the car and ran to the machine(there was 2 machines next to each other), as she got there an African appeared and told her quickly the machine she was using is broken ,by this time I had jumped out the car and was standing next to her, he then told her to use the other one, he then proceeded to flash money around and press the odd button and before we new it he had stolen the card.Luckily we got through to Canada and cancelled the card all within 30 minutes, and still they managed to scam 500 dollars off the card, needless to say we will speak to the bank, but hey what an experience, it is so easy for these guys.

Enough about that, we moved down to a beautiful 2 bedroom condo in the V&A residential marina, it is hard to believe that this is situated in the heart of Capetown, the whole area overlooks a canal centrally and when you look past that you can see the waterfront activities and sea line , a great view. The apartment is about 10 minutes walk to the shopping area so it is very easy to stock up with food and wines etc, we find we do it daily so we are not carrying so much in one go.

The waterfront is massive and took about 3/4 days before we thought we had seen everything , also from the water front there is a walk towards sea point that goes right along the seafront with the crashing waves splashing you , just when you ,don’t want it

There are two open top buses that go around Capetown the red and the blue route, they are a must for anyone who comes here ( we did them last year) but haven’t found a requirement to do it this year with friends and family taking us all over the spots we most wanted to see.

Tessa who is a friend of the girls from school has taken Leigh ann and Jen all over where there memories took them to , Hout Bay for a calamari lunch at the Chapmans Peak hotel, just up the hill from there is a small hotel called FLORA BAY BUNGALOWS, this where we first stayed when we arrived from Johannesburg back in 1987, all those years ago, the girls remembered it , but the Dasi’s didn’t they had all gone.

Spent a day on Camps bay beach did the whole thing with hiring the beds and the umbrella,s everything went great for the first three hours then the wind got up and blew it all away, what a shambles all hands running around trying to catch umbrellas.

That afternoon we met up for lunch with old friends we new from Johannesburg who now live in Denver USA but their daughter now lives in the Cape ,John and Rita…. That was quite the catch up lunch .

Since we have been here we have been to two open air concerts , one in a place called Noordhoek in a wine farm with a top SA band playing , 10 dollars entrance fee, good wine at at six dollars a bootle and scrumptious food and all for five dollars, and we got to watch the sun go down over the sea. What a fab evening.

The second concert was in the Kirstenbosch Gardens, this was a Lot bigger and watched by about ten thousand people , this was also a bring you own picnic and drink, which we did in abundance.

Leigh Anne and Jennifer organized a school reunion while they where here, sadly there were only seven that arrived but by all accounts they had a great cocktail evening all reminiscing of the school years as tiny tots, they had a great time and only arrived home in the wee hours of the morning.

more latter



