Michael Hazard
Published in
5 min readFeb 4, 2016

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A good photo of the back of my head Including the vast splendours of the beaches[/caption]

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Life is a beach!![/caption]

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A view looking out from the apartment[/caption]

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Looking north up the other side of the beach towards the next town[/caption]

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A new age duo the guy was playing an electronic Diggerido[/caption]

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Brad succeeded in eating his burger in one piece , I succeeded in getting a clean shirt and shorts after it !![/caption]

On the journey from the Gold Coast to Brisbane we had picked up a travel card (this was valid in the state of Queensland) this card we put $50 on both, lasted us the full time we were in Queensland , from Gold Coast to Brisbane to Sunshine Coast and back to the airport at Gold Coast buses and trains , their was still $17 left on the cards when we left to go to Sydney ( New South Wales), that’s my rant about how good the transport is here , superb

Enough about that , the condo we booked into in Mooloolaba was only completed in December so we were the second renters to stay there, overlooked the sea, 5 min walk to the sea and shopping /restaurant area, superb!! Location , location, downside = the owner didn’t know how to equip the place for renters, things like beach towels , soap, dishwasher stuff, wifi,tea towels, I could go on but non of it really mattered, the apartment surpassed anything we had been in so far.

We spent the first couple of days walking ,beaching, swimming (only between the flags as TRISH was quite concerned about any local sharks) the temperature was 30c ish each day

From our local beach you could walk 10 km either way and see totally white beaches for ever ! GODS COUNTRY!!

On the Saturday Brad and his family arrived from Brisbane to take us out for the morning to the Eumundi Market , this was one huge market ! And well supported by locals , visitors , and as Brad told me many people from Brisbane do the journey Saturday morning ( 120 km)

it had everything Australian, the biggest thing for me was the musicians with their electronic didgeridoo and New Age music , I cannot believe it is not heard more worldly. Another great thing to me about visiting these market is as much as one enjoys looking we have no more space in our travel cases so WE CANT BUY ANYTHING , yeah ! I tell a lie , we bought a CD😎.

After 4 hours we’d had our fill , a great experience of Aussie art ,craft , music and food including an hour in this 80 year old pub that was so full of history on the walls , and then returned to Mooloolaba to the Surf Club where we met Denis and his girlfriend Terri who also came up from Brisbane for the day.

Needles to say we had a great afternoon reminiscing our times working together, and then we spent some time drinking like fish, then we all chatted about our surfing experiences, my conversation did not last long!! We then lost Denis and Terri,but not for long as Terri lives in Sidney and we have arranged to meet her and Denis in Sidney ! When we are there.

The next day Sunday , Brad and Nichole and the little one took us on another exciting journey , inland about 60 km to a small town called Montville with the main road being similar to the length of the main road in Canmore the difference being when you look towards the sea (east) their is a drop of about 400meters and all you can see is forestry, quite stunning , this whole area is surrounded by National Parks, Sanctuaries, conservation parks, with the odd lake thrown in it was like driving through Banff National park but looking down on it , quite the picture . Brad tells me this is typical of the Queensland landscape for about 400 km inland before it gets to Aussie outback desert!!

We had lunch in a Cafe called THE POETS CAFE, I still have not succeeded in picking up a burger with two hands and taking a bite without the whole thing falling apart, and maybe sometimes on my trousers!!

After a great scenic drive back to Mooloolaba we said good bye to the Copelands , how hospitable these Aussies are . After that great weekend TRISH and I did the beach bum thing for the next 4 days How relaxing ! Lazing , swimming ! San in your bum ! I have never seen TRISH in the water so much , we definitely could stay here !

But we can’t , Sydney is calling and we will see you there.

M & T

