Piping Hot Perth

Michael Hazard
Published in
4 min readJan 18, 2016

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Isaac (Andrew and Sam’s)[/caption]

Great flight, got into Perth 12 pm , and this was a first, as we deplaned , the customs were at the plane door , the first 40 people were allowed off the plane then Lined up while the dog, a loverly retriever sniffed everyone very closely , it didn’t bother me , I actually thought it was brill for security , welcome to Australia mate !

The excitement of meeting up with my sis and all the Aussie family hit home as we met at the airport, quite emotional as she has been here for 26 years and it has taken us this long to get here for one reason or another.
What a beautiful city.
We have now been here for seventeen days so the following is a synopsis of our stay in Perth.
Carol (my sis for those that don’t know) made us very comfortable in here home , a little 3 bedroom place for anyone who is visiting!! Great bed ,food and beer all waiting for us.
The Aussie families
The Gales, Andrew ( my nephew) and Lorilee and babes Tom and Rosie.
The Bannons , Andrew( my 2nd cousin & God child) Sam and babes Ava and Isaac.
Laura (my niece) and partner Joe.
For 17 days TRISH and I have been totally spoiled , they had all sorts of dinner parties , barbies, day trips , restaurants, planned for us Trish and I just went with the flow and ate and drank to our hearts content , ( plenty of swimming but no gyming) .

And we fell in love, (not just TRISH and I), meeting Lorilee for the first time , what a gorgeous ,classy wife and mum, and her family who were a ball of fun when we met over Christmas . The babes Tom and Rosie , your lucky we didn’t steal Tom!! And your luck Rosie is only 8 weeks old( we could have got her in the hand luggage!!) and Andrew , great meeting up with you again , your house and family do you proud .

We fell in love with Andrew and Sam , the first time really we have spent time with them since their wedding , thank you for spending so much time with us, golf at Joondalup could not have been better (including the result )with your buddies, wining and dining us and sharing Ava and Isaac during our play time !!

We fell in love with beautiful Laura , great meeting you and spending time with you and Joe, we look forward to keeping in touch and seeing you both in August when you come to Canada.

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Laura Joe and Carol in Fremantle[/caption]

We fell in love with Perth, Fremantle, Mandoon wine estates, Rottnest Island
Swan River, Kalamunda, Forrest-field. No rain since we arrived.
Perth city looks superbly clean , they say the economy is suffering here also but their is still plenty of building going on including a 65000 seat arena .
I did not realize, Perth was on a river , the Swan River comes down from the north east, it is about 3 times as wide as the Calgary Bow river , as the river gets to the city the water mass gets to about a kilometre radius and forms what looks like a large lake . A superb setting for a city.
This River then flows out to the sea about 20 km south west into Fremantle, this has one side of the harbour as the port container terminal and the other side with its markets , museums ,beaches, restaurant boardwalks,esplanade,
Like a mini Cape town without the complications !! Perth and Fremantle, I could live here!!!
Finally my sis , thanks for making our stay so special your friends network is so amazing so many lovely ladies (and Will) it is great to know how established and loved by everyone around you, I have no need to worry about you. Hope to see you soon.
If the rest of Aussie is anything like Perth we are in for a treat.
M & T

more photos to follow — having a problem loading

