Michael Hazard
Published in
3 min readDec 1, 2015

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Trish and I on the train from Agra

Trish and I on the train from Agra[/caption]

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One of the courtyards at the Ranthambhore National Park Hotel

One of the courtyards at the Ranthambhore National Park Hotel[/caption]

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A view through the arches of the 3 Courtyards

A view through the arches of the 3 Courtyards[/caption]

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Our pride and joy as the tiger appeared in full view of the canter

Our pride and joy as the tiger appeared in full view of the canter[/caption]

Arrived late in the evening at Ranthambhore Station where the biggest land rover in the world (they call it a Canter) was waiting for us. We then after a 30 minute journey into the bush arrived at our next destination called Nahargarh near the village of Khilchipur. This hotel was in the style of a traditional Rajput hunting palace nestled in the foot hills of the National Park.

This hotel was spread over the area of about 10 soccer fields, mostly on ground level with marbled courtyards throughout. After a yummy dinner we went for an early night for an earlier start the next morning for our search for the elusive tiger.

We set off at 6.30am in the 20 seater Canter. While driving around we came upon many spotted deer, monkeys, wild boar, beautiful exotic birds. We even saw a dead deer and 3 jackal grazing on it.

15 minutes before we were due to leave the park the ranger got a call of a tiger sighting 20 kilometres north from where we were. We then proceeded like mad men over typical bush rough terrain in pursuit of the tiger. We finally caught up with the tiger and boy what a magnificent sight to behold. The tiger came out from the bush and walked towards the canter as if it was modelling for the camera’s. Judging by the Game Rangers reactions we all realized how extremely lucky we were to have had this sighting. Definitely another bucket list item ticked off.

For the record we went out in the afternoon and early the next morning and saw no tigers and didn’t get a whiff of any tiger. So how lucky were we…

