Double $LUNA Rewards for atUST<>WNEAR and atLUNA<>WNEAR

Trisolaris Labs
TriSolaris Labs
Published in
1 min readJan 13, 2022

We’re excited to share that we are enabling LUNA double rewards for atUST<>LUNA and atUST<>WNEAR farms on Trisolaris DEX.

atUST Address: 0x5ce9F0B6AFb36135b5ddBF11705cEB65E634A9dC

atLUNA Address: 0xC4bdd27c33ec7daa6fcfd8532ddB524Bf4038096

You can head over to and stake your atUST<>WNEAR and atLUNA<>WNEAR LP tokens in the farm page (see UI below).

Rewards will turn on in the next few mins, and apr is coming soon. If you are already providing liquidity to these pools, you will automatically start earning the rewards and do not have to do anything!

The pools will receive double rewards for the next 3 months and 2770 LUNA (approximately $230k at today’s prices) will be distributed evenly across both pools

Happy farming!

About TriSolaris

TriSolaris is a community-owned decentralized exchange (DEX) with fast-settlement, low fees, and a democratic governance process. Built on NEAR’s Aurora EVM, TriSolaris is building the one-stop-shop for DeFi on NEAR!

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