New Double Rewards Farm: FLX <><> wNEAR

Trisolaris Labs
TriSolaris Labs
Published in
2 min readJan 18, 2022

Today, we are delighted to announce our partnership with Flux Protocol, and the launch of the FLX<>wNEAR double reward pool!

  • FLX Address: 0xea62791aa682d455614eaA2A12Ba3d9A2fD197af

1% of all TRI emissions will be distributed to this pool for a period of 3 months. Users that stake their LP tokens to this farm will receive both $TRI and $FLX as rewards!

You can head over to Trisolaris and stake your wNEAR<>FLX LP tokens in the farm page. Rewards for this pair will turn on at approximately 4 pm UTC on Jan 19th, 2022. We will announce on our discord/telegram/twitter once rewards are live!

Where to get $FLX?

You can trade $FLX directly on Trisolaris. If you’re from Ethereum, $FLX is available on Uniswap, and can be bridged over to Aurora via Rainbow Bridge.

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About Flux

Flux allows any smart contract to connect with crowdsourced, API-based, and Price-Feed data. Flux brings this data on-chain using a sophisticated validation and dispute mechanism that relies on economics principles to keep validators honest.

Flux is backed by world-class investors such as Distributed Global, Coinbase Ventures, Reciprocal Ventures, Coinfund, Maven 11, Flow Ventures, among others.

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About Trisolaris

TriSolaris is a community-owned decentralized exchange (DEX) with fast-settlement, low fees, and a democratic governance process. Built on NEAR’s Aurora EVM, TriSolaris is building the one-stop-shop for DeFi on NEAR!

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