The Vegan Lifestyle Campaign

Tristanne Whitham
Tristanne Whitham
Published in
4 min readApr 26, 2018

The Overview

Many people must be aware of the harm innocent animals unwillingly go through in order to produce food for society. Bringing aware to the vegan lifestyle through this campaign, helps people realize that these animals do not have a voice to stop the violence against them. This campaign will encourage people to stand up for these animals by spreading #FriendsNotFood. This campaign design experience has expanded my creativity, has taught me how to work with the different aspects of the campaign and adjust the designs according to the social media platform being used.

The Context & Challenge

This campaign project is created to go viral across three social media platforms with no budget to create the designs. These campaigns promote awareness on veganism. This campaign is very important because some living animals are being tortured and killed for food. Only some animals suffer the pain, while others are kept as pets, which is unfair because who is to say who gets to live or not? All of these animals are alive and put on this earth like humans, which means they do not deserve this suffering and death. The main goal with this campaign is to bring attention to the suffering in hopes of people living more vegan lifestyles.

The Process & Insight

The creation around this campaign design is mainly focused around showcasing the innocence in the animal faces. Many people never think about becoming vegan mainly because they do not see these animals suffer, nor do they ever really think about it. However, many people do have a love for animals, which is why this campaign focuses on animal faces. If people have animal faces put in front of them, it will hopefully bring them to visualize that these animals are suffering, and that even they can make a difference by living vegan. The process here is to incorporate the hashtag #FriendsNotFood in order for this campaign to go viral. Modern society relies so heavily on social media and hashtags are apart of the everyday social media platforms, which people love and use all the time.

The Solution

The solution is created in Adobe Illustrator; using nine art boards with different dimensions according to the purposes on each social media platform in order to create a viral campaign. Three images are used for each platform for different purposes. The first section is Instagram, where there is a regular post, story post, and a profile picture. Many animal faces are used as the background to represent a collage with a short message on the photo. This will work well on Instagram because a big collage like this will grab peoples attention, and encourage them to engage. The second section is pintrest, where there is a profile picture, a pin, and a thumbnail. This version of the design is kept more simple featuring one aspect that will draw people in. In this campaign on pintrest, it is the simplicity of the green letter in the profile picture, the cows face for the pin post, and the tilted pictures for the thumbnail post. The last platform used is Facebook. The cover photo is created with a sense of flow, which is why there is a row of many animal faces with a simple backdrop, while the regular post is similar because it is simple with a touch of white boarders to the animals. For the highlighted image, it brings attention with the difference in the text on a backdrop that pops.

The Results

The creating of this campaign is an amazing learning experience. Experimenting across nine art boards allows me to expand my creativity and try new things. My experience on social media has assisted me in creating these designs, and is why I chose to keep it simple and follow a green theme. This is a very controversial topic in todays society, which is why keeping it simple seemed the best way to go. This campaign is supposed to bring awareness, not force anything on anyone. Keeping this in mind, I adjusted my designs to simply showcasing the animal faces. This process has taught me to open minded and try new things until the right combinations of text, image, and colour work. Having these aspects work together will be the determining factor of whether the campaign is successful.



Tristanne Whitham
Tristanne Whitham

Social Media Content Creator. Health&Fitness. Vegan. Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Premiere.