Open Source? trivago.

trivago tech blog
Published in
3 min readNov 20, 2019

Celebrating another year of sponsoring Open Source with a Conference

Open Source? trivago.

When we announced our renewal of our investment in Webpack and Babel last year, I found a tweet from Guillermo Rauch, CEO of, one of the most interesting serverless computing companies at the moment.

We’ve spoken before about how Open Source allows everyone to win and we’ve explained how Webpack and Babel are vital infrastructure projects that are essential to modern web development.

All of that is still true and that is why we are continuing our investment in Babel and Webpack for another year. The innovation and utility provided and enabled by these two projects is amazing and has enabled us to do many things that our users love.

Celebrating it, trivago style

As you might know, fanatic learning is one of our Core Values. At trivago we always want to learn and we embrace chances to learn. And we also don’t shy away from making our learnings available to others. So when we were talking with Sean and Tobias about whether they’d want to visit us again and it became clear that both of them were interested, we decided to turn their visit into a celebration of our Open Source investment and a learning opportunity for all.

On December 2nd, 2019, we will host our first “Open Source? Trivago.” conference at our Düsseldorf Campus.

We’re still finalizing the schedule, but the preliminary agenda is going to include:

  • How it all began
    The story of how Webpack was initially introduced at trivago byThomas Bartel.
  • Webpack: The past, the present, the future A short history of the problems Webpack solves, new things in Webpack 5 and some hints and ideas for what might come next byTobias Koppers.
  • Do more with less How can we simplify our code and make maintenance easier byMarvin Hagemeister.
  • Why Melody? What is Melody and why is trivago using it byPatrick Gotthardt.
  • Creating a custom localization plugin for Webpack 5 Live coding of a plugin with an outlook into Webpack internals for code splitting, tree shaking and name mangling byTobias Koppers.
  • Webpack Q & A Tobias and Sean answer your Webpack and Open Source related questions.
  • … and more

There’ll also be a time slot for lightning talks to give the audience a chance to tell us about their own Open Source projects.

How to join

As usual when we have an amazing learning opportunity like this coming up, we want to make sure that the local community can benefit from it as well.

Therefore, we have reserved 20 tickets for external guests who want to celebrate with us. We’ll provide you with free lunch in our “Culture Kitchen” and there’ll be coffee and drinks throughout the day.

We’re not charging an entry fee for this event, but to support diversity and inclusion in the Open Source community, we kindly ask you to make a donation between 10€ and 100€ to osdiversity, WomenWhoCode, and BIPOCIT. All donations will be matched by trivago to further support the community.

Tickets are only available through Eventbrite and all donations must be made through the Eventbrite checkout.

If you’d like to join us then please sign up here.

Originally published at on November 20, 2019.



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