Python Hackathon at trivago

trivago tech blog
Published in
3 min readDec 20, 2017

Hackathons! That’s where you feel super excited about creating something interesting, or useful, or just entertaining. They are a great way to encourage creativity and teamwork. Recently, trivago hosted a Python Hackathon in collaboration with the Python Usergroup Düsseldorf. The event was a full success!

Python is one of the main programming languages at trivago. We use it for internal tooling and external services. It’s everywhere in the stack: from monitoring over microservices to machine learning. That’s why we feel responsible for contributing to the broader Python community.

This is the third year that we hosted a Python Hackathon at trivago, and yet again it was full of interesting ideas!

The projects

We had 28 external plus six internal participants, who worked on lots of interesting projects. The projects included low-level, embedded tools and graphical user interfaces. People wrote games and bots and had lots of fun along the way.

We had teams with two to six people for each project. One could literally feel the creativity and energy of all participants. It was especially nice to see that we had a few Python newcomers at the event.

The outcome

At the end of the second day, we all gathered for a round of presentations. Each presenter gave a quick demo of their team’s efforts and the outcome. It was great to see that all the teams had something to show after just two days.

Some project topics were focused on improving PyEditor, GeoPandas, Jython, and MicroPython.

Some projects even released their code as Open Source. Go check them out from the list below!


All of this would not be possible without the help of some trivago employees who sacrificed their weekend for the hackathon. They helped make sure that everybody felt welcome and right at home.

Last but not least, a huge thank you to trivago for making such a community event possible! Gatherings like these strengthen our relationship with the broader developer community. We are proud of our open culture.

We hope to bring the event back next year. And who knows, maybe you want to join? :-)

Originally published by Matthias Endler and Busra Koken at on December 20, 2017.



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