Introducing TriveCredential! TRVC APP Updates 13/12/2019

Published in
2 min readDec 13, 2019


  1. Introducing TriveCredential!
  2. You can now hide your TRVC balance in the wallet by just tapping on the amount.
  3. The content in the Info tab is now filtered based on the selected language.
  4. You can now set the alternative currency to be shown in TRVC APP.

To find out more, please continue reading…

1. Introducing TriveCredential

TriveCredential is a proof of authenticity, ownership as well as document verification method with stamping in Trivechain. We have issued certificates of events that Trivechain and TriveAcademy participated in recently. The events are:-

  • Introduction to Blockchain Hands-on Lab
  • IIUM KICT Postgraduate Colloquium 2019

The certificate can be downloaded, verify on Trivechain’s block explorer, share to social media and most importantly, add to your LinkedIn Profile. User can copy all the informations that are needed in the LinkedIn Profile from TriveCredential.

2. Hide your TRVC balance

You can now easily switch between hiding and showing your TRVC balance by just tapping on your TRVC balance.

3. Filter the content in the Info tab based on your selected language in the Profile tab

You can change the language of the app in the Profile tab to view different content in the Info tab.

4. Set the alternative currency that you want to show in your wallet

In the Profile tab, tap on “Alternative Currency”. Then you can select the currency you want to show in your wallet. After selecting the alternative currency, press OK. Now, you can view the value in the alternative currency in the Wallet tab as well as the current market value powered by CoinGecko in the Info tab.

