Less than 48 hours until the SHUTTING DOWN of migration

Published in
2 min readMay 29, 2021

This will be the final update before the closure of migration.

As of 28/05/2021, there are about 10 out of 45 millions $TRVC not migrated. There could be a big burn of 10 millions $TRVC being removed from the supply forever as they will stay in TRVC 2.0 forever. Counting down 2 days until our 1st burn on BSC and the closure of migration.

All the official migration bridges will be SHUTDOWN forever starting from 31/05/2021 8:00 am GMT+8. The official bridges that will be shut down on the designated date & time are:-

  1. TRVC Wallet
  3. BitRabbit

Any other migration bridges that are not stated above are not official supported by the official TRVC development team or partner. Please be careful where you keep or migrate your TRVC.

Besides, TRVC.APP will also be shutting down on the same date and time as the migration bridge shutdown. There are still about 200,000 TRVC holding by TRVC.APP users. We hereby inform all the TRVC.APP user to migrate their TRVC as soon as possible before the migration shutdown to prevent TRVC burning.

Last but not least, all the platforms, services and tools that are irrelevant to the BEP20 TRVC will also be shutting down after the migration is closed.

Official Site: http://trivechain.com/
Discord: http://discord.gg/NcmCVxq
Twitter: https://twitter.com/trivechain_trvc
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Medium: https://medium.com/trivechain
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/trivechain/
Github: https://github.com/trivechain
Coingecko: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/trivechain ( Pending Update )
BEP20 Token Contract Address: https://bscscan.com/token/0x771cb7dd18072527ca412dddccce8a33b5f88219
Price Chart: https://charts.bogged.finance/?token=0x771cB7dd18072527CA412dDdCCCe8A33b5F88219Add Liquidity:
Swap on 1inch: https://app.1inch.io/#/56/swap/BUSD/0x771cb7dd18072527ca412dddccce8a33b5f88219
Swap on Pancakeswap:

