A Whole New World: Overcoming Challenges of Advertising in New XR Environments

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3 min readJul 6, 2018

Extended reality (XR) technology is set to transform the nature of human interaction from communication to entertainment to commerce. Instead of staring at screens or checking our phones, we’ll hold our heads up to experience the real and virtual worlds around us.

As XR adoption grows, so will advertising and the potential for brands to make meaningful connections with consumers interacting within these new immersive environments. However, brands shouldn’t expect advertising to be business as usual.

As reported by Advertisers Perception, currently the three biggest challenges for marketers in advertising are:

  1. Reaching potential customers in a significant and compelling manner
  2. Accurate and trustworthy measurement, and
  3. Getting the attention of the target market

And this is just for traditional advertising! Consider the challenges involved in establishing deep connections for advertising in XR environments, such as 3D, mixed, virtual, and augmented.

To overcome such roadblocks, brands need to focus on building campaigns that are right for the environment, cut down on clutter, and backed by data. Here are a few tips on how we think that can be done:

Act Natural

Current 2D advertising tactics like pop-ups, banners, video, and interstitials are highly disruptive to immersive XR experiences. Ads and branded objects need to easily auto scale and resize to fit each unique location. Smart objects — 3D models of the brand, like a can of Coca-Cola sitting on a table or branded sofa in the living room of a staged virtual home tour — make the most sense as users are able to interact naturally and seamlessly with the object in the XR environments. While it may sound counter intuitive, the more the ad molds into the environment naturally — seamless fitting the scene — the better. Trivver works to decrease the amount of screen clutter and distractions, which provides the consumer with better-branded content experiences, while still delivering an engaging advertisement.

Be Data-Driven

For marketers to truly understand the success of a campaign in an XR environment, they should be able to track progress across desktop, mobile and tablets. Data analytics can automatically record users experience a smart object, combining both screen coverage and object visibility. Detailed analytics ensure your viewers will see what is relevant to them and allows advertisers to truly know what gets the most attention from their audience.

XR innovations blend the digital and physical world, enabling audiences, shoppers, and consumers to interact, exchange ideas and conduct business within the context of an XR experience. As consumer interest continues to grow, so does the potential for brand advertising. If advertising campaigns are thoughtful and use data to enhance the personal user experience in each unique environment, then building meaningful relationships is achievable.

Take a look at our explainer video to see how we help advertisers overcome the challenges of XR environments and find success advertising in today’s new reality.

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Premiere advertising exchange for Extended Reality (XR) environments — 3D, virtual reality, mixed reality and augmented reality https://www.trivver.com/