Augmented Reality Everywhere?

Published in
1 min readJun 11, 2018

Augmented Reality experiences in pubic spaces are showing up everywhere. Pepsi Max recently made amazing use of AR at a bus stop, not only to advertise but to surprise and entertain. Watch until you see the tiger! A 3D Vespa popping off the page of Wired magazine is always a treat. At AdTech San Francisco attendees could cavort with dinosaurs on a video billboard.

Is this tiger real, or just a figment of my augmented reality?

But Augmented Reality advertising in the real, non-public space, world? If an unrequested AR ad appeared on your house, what would you think? What about *inside* your home? My personal nightmare is the augmented reality home imagined by Keiichi Matsuda. But what do you think of it? Would you allow all augmented reality ads into your house, if they paid for your rent?

At Trivver, we’re not waiting to see what happens in Augmented Reaity, we’re part of the story! Trivver supports and encourages placing 3D ads in the extended reality space — Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Mixed Reality — in a non-obtrusive way — much like product placement in movies. Join us in helping make the extended reality future a place where you’ll enjoy living.

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Premiere advertising exchange for Extended Reality (XR) environments — 3D, virtual reality, mixed reality and augmented reality