Gartner Releases Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2019

Immersive Experience comes in at Number 6

3 min readNov 13, 2018


Gartner has released their comprehensive list of the Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2019, and coming in at number 6 is Immersive Experience. This list is meant to give senior executives a guide of where their organizations should put their focus to get the most impact for the upcoming year, and the Immersive Experience has been on the list for two years running.

The rest of the 2019 list consists of Autonomous Things, Augmented Analytics, AI-Drive Development, Digital Twin, Empowered Edge, Blockchain, Smart Spaces, Privacy and Ethics, and Quantum Computing. Read more about the 2019 trends here.

Visual Representation of the model Intelligent Digital Mesh (Source Gartner 2018)

The Intelligent Digital Mesh

Gartner vice president and fellow David Cearley presented the list under the model of intelligent digital mesh, which is a term used to describe our current technological environment of interconnected people, devices, content, and services. The intelligent digital mesh model is used to break down the list into three sections, with intelligent referring to the growth of AI, digital focusing on the blending of the digital and physical worlds, and mesh covering the growth of connections between people, business and technology to deliver digital business outcomes.

Our personal favorite trend, Immersive Experience, is described by Gartner as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR) and defined as technologies that are “changing the way in which people perceive the digital world.” (source) Gartner predicts that by 2022, 70 percent of enterprises will be experimenting with immersive technologies for consumer and enterprise use, and 25 percent will be deployed for production. These numbers are exciting for the VR and AR market as it is still currently in its adolescent stage, but Trivver and Gartner both think the future is bright.

The Future of Immersive Experiences (Source Gartner 2017)

Strategize for the Future

A key finding from last years Top Ten Trends for 2018 says that over the next 5 to 10 years, the way humans interact with technology will be radically changing. Emerging immersive technology will spur more natural and immersive interactions in the digital world, leading to companies having a completely different interaction with consumers than they do currently.

So what are brands to do with this information? Change is coming, and innovation leaders need to strategically use these trends to plan their businesses advancement. When it comes to immersive experiences, Gartner recommends, “create a more natural and immersive user experience by deploying, where effective, conversational platforms and virtual, augmented and mixed reality.” (source)

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