Extended Reality (XR) — including AR, VR and 3D — is expected to generate over $200 billion in revenue in 2021 and over $3 trillion in revenue by 2035, creating one of the most significant transformations in the global economy in a century.

Immersive technologies offer endless ways for creators to blend digital and physical worlds, and present an incredible opportunity for brands and consumers to interact, exchange ideas and conduct business within the context of an XR experience.

These new environments are inherently immersive, which means traditional digital advertising methods, such as pop-up ads, just don’t work. They are too jarring and disruptive to the consumer experience. Advertising in XR needs to evolve into naturally-placed branded objects that seamlessly engage with the user’s VR environment, much like how you see advertising placements done in the movies — like a can of Coca-Cola being enjoyed by the leading lady or a Ferrari being driven in a high-speed chase.

Enter Trivver.

Trivver is the premiere advertising exchange for XR that will accelerate the adoption, commercialization and monetization of XR technologies across devices and industries for all stakeholders in the ecosystem — including publishers, brands, agencies and consumers.

Here’s how Trivver works.

Trivver sits at the intersection of brand and publisher, programmatically enabling the integration of advertising that can be dynamically native to its environment.

The Trivver XR Ad Exchange (XRAE) is a revolutionary programmatic solution that allows any ad agency, network or advertiser to create, run and monitor a highly-targeted ad campaign in near real time — in any XR environment including mobile apps and desktop applications.

Trivver’s XRAE matches advertisers with 3D environments based on targeting specifications determined by the brand, with appropriate locations within XR environments identified by publishers.

The powerful features of Trivver’s XRAE — Branded Smart Objects, the Trivver Data Engine and the Trivver Smart Tab — aim to protect brand safety, help prevent ad fraud, and provide an integrated advertising experience for users within XR environments.

Trivver’s revolutionary, patented Branded Smart Objects (BSOs) are 3D objects that can be delivered to exist within the native setting of digital environments and are created with Trivver’s 3D Asset Editor.

Unique to Trivver, BSOs are designed to autoscale, displaying in the correct proportion in any XR environment — providing an enormous savings in the time and money that advertisers spend having to resize an object hundreds, if not thousands, of times to fit desired XR locations. We call it “one and done.”

Because BSOs are embedded within XR environments, they provide advertisers with opportunities to promote brands without detracting from user experience. The result is a highly organic and contextual experience for the user — reducing disruptive popups, interstitials or banners.

Trivver’s Asset Editor allows an advertiser to upload their 3D Brand Model and convert to a BSO. The BSO has information about the item’s orientation and scaling in the real world, as well as allowing the advertiser to preview the texture of their product in Trivver’s BSO environment.

The Trivver Smart Tab allows consumers to engage directly with a BSO — and links them with product information such as a product/service description, a coupon, and of course, provides a link to make a direct purchase.

Join us in building the next generation of advertising so that the ultimate quest for relevant, effective, natural and efficient XR ads will arrive with Trivver in place.

We believe that XR represents the next generation of advertising — and we built the Trivver platform to deliver this vision in an effective, organic and safe way.

Ultimately, we believe in the exponential possibilities of XR and in the profound, lasting and global impact of this technology. We are passionate about driving XR adoption among consumers and within the enterprise.

Learn more in our explainer video here.

Our technical white paper presents more detail on Trivver and its upcoming token sale, you can read it here.

We are very excited to share more information with you about Trivver — please continue to check back for updates. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.

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Premiere advertising exchange for Extended Reality (XR) environments — 3D, virtual reality, mixed reality and augmented reality https://www.trivver.com/