Published in
2 min readJun 11, 2018


Online shopping with Triwer

With the current parcel delivery system somewhat antiquated in many ways, Triwer were determined to provide a solution that matched the demands of the industry. And we did it.

E-commerce is moving at a rate of knots and consumers expect their goods to move at the same pace, yet the current system is anything but.

The demand for a personalised, seamless, fast, affordable and secure delivery for online purchases is considerable and Triwer have addressed inefficiencies and bottlenecks in the Courier Express Parcel Market (CEPM), allowing logistics companies and couriers to make better use of spare capacity. It’s a huge sea change for the way parcels are delivered and it will benefit businesses and shoppers.

Using the Triwer App, online shopping is a seamless process with empowerment of consumers and businesses the key. — and with the Triwer’s built-in price comparison engine, everyone gets the best deal possible.

Online shoppers will also be able to personalize their profile with delivery preferences and carry these settings across multiple online stores to arrange the arrival of their purchases at the time and location most convenient to them with real time, last mile tracking features. No more tiresome forms to fill in; no more payment details to add and no more repeatedly writing your address — plus load more benefits

The Triwer decentralized Blockchain Technology, Smart Contracts and our Token — TRW — are core to the Triwer delivery management platform, and will bring benefits to both consumers and deliverers; from transparent agreements to direct a instant payment.

In short, online shopping will never be the same and finally, the Triwer App is bringing e-commerce parcel delivery in line with the technology available.

Exciting times indeed!



Editor for

Triwer has created an all-in-one solution for courier express & parcel delivery, incorporating blockchain technology and community concepts📦🚚