The CIA releases its DLC for Xbox

An extract from the T&C

Patrick Martin
2 min readMar 8, 2017


Today the CIA announced the availability of their new Downloadable Content for the general public. The following is an extract of some of the highlights:

1: Welcome.

Congratulation on downloading “ Unmanned Aircraft Systems Operator 2017”. This DLC will enable the ability to fly a US drone on a live mission with the exciting option of raining missiles down on the heads of the enemies of the state, or dudes on some list.

3: How it works.

Next to the ‘we are watching you” icon - yes, “The Net” was correct*,

It would look a bit like this.

there will be a “convert to live operation” indicator that will appear when there is an operation ready to be claimed. Use the Xbox button to invoke this option.

6: PEGI rating: 16

Under 18s will only be able to use this on the weekends, after the homework is done. Remember, we are watching you -see §3.

10: Achievements

These are actually the same as Call of Duty, we are truly sorry if you already completed all the story missions.
On the plus side: if you have, upon signing up your ribbons will be in the post and you are automatically made Staff Sergeant Second Class, so there’s that.

14: Working hours

Once accepted, a mission can be up to 10 hours uninterrupted, so make sure you’ve watered the horses.

15: Sanctions, Military tribunals, etc.

Be aware, failure to comply with legal orders or perform to expectations can result in the usual military sanctions, once school is out.

16: You will need to supply:

Armoured internet cable, internet connection with 6 “9s” up-time and under 20ms ping to Whiteman Air Force Base, US or Cheltenham, UK.
Note: headset not provided.

18: Informed consent

If under 18, your guardian must approve of the purchase of the game.

Confirm:I am a Quora user (Y/N).
I understand that entering Y will invalidate my application

21: FAQ

42. Xbox 360 support:
We’re the CIA, right?
But we’re not magicians.

* - I know right?



Patrick Martin

Person. blah blah about me ... WAIT CLIMATE CANCER WE CAN BEAT IT PEOPLE ... all opinions my own