Election Manifesto of TRON Super Representative — —Community Node

Published in
7 min readJun 8, 2018

This document stays updated at https://github.com/bondibox/community-node/blob/master/sr_application/application.md

• Official Website

• Company information:
The Community Node organization is an open source collaboration in the blockchain space.

Our Mission is to become an intellectual asset for the community. The Tron project itself is open source, and we expect other cryptocurrencies to use the Tron application as a starting point for their blockchain networks. Other Distributed Proof of Stake cryptocurrencies may adopt Tron’s Super Representative structure, and those Super Representatives will be creating organizations very similar to ours. We chose to make our project Open Source in order to provide a resource for those who come after us.

By sharing our IT strategies, it is our hope to strengthen the entire blockchain industry and advance the determination of best practices.

• Company Location:
c/o Jason Neely
PO Box 39029
Washington DC

• Social Media Following
Our movement is still young and we are actively trying to bring in new members.

Community Node on Telegram: TRON Community Node & Super Representative
Community Node on Twitter: @community_node
We are also active on Reddit r/tronix.

• Community Support Plan for 2018
We have created a staging network which is a replica of the Tron network and which will allow the community to practice with wallets and to beta test the behavior of newly created dapps. It is already working in alpha with 2 witnesses and 2 seed nodes. We will continue the expansion of our test net to include solidity nodes and web wallets.

We will create a How To demonstration for a simple dapp game that flips a coin and pays tokens when guessed correctly. Users can upload this dapp to the staging network to experience the same functionality as the Tron main net.

We have entered into a strategic partnership with the Sesame Seeds SR Group to provide community support on a broader level than either of us is able to provide on our own. Together we are operating a TRON Help Group at Telegram to answer questions related to the Tron main net.

We have contributed to the Tron Wiki and have pushed one set of changes.

In keeping with our open source ideology, we will also be pooling our collective knowledge and establishing best practices for the rest of the SR community, and we will publish that information in a fork of the Official Tron documentation.

• Community promotion efforts
We are holding a contest for the best main net java dapp, prize is 10,240 TRX payable from our node’s first day of block rewards. Good for 10 dapp uploads on the Tron main net.

• Livestream
Archived at YouTube:

• List of key staff and their photos
CTO Jason Neely
WAN Strategist Greg
dapp Education Colradi
UX Designer Duane Harrison

• Provide Background qualifications of key staff
Chief Technical Officer / Founder

Jason Neely has maintained a *nix server almost constantly since 1998 when he installed RedHat and QTSS on his iMac. Soon after, he began work as an Apple Retail Representative, then went on to be a Tier 2 technician for Darwin Networks where he became Cisco certified. After the dot com bust he worked on the U.S. Congressional campaign of Andrew Horne, first as a volunteer who maintained the website and broadcasted emails, eventually writing copy and working directly with the communications team in a salaried position. From there, he formed Campaign Kickstart, a grassroots incubator, and developed an advocacy program for the Louisville Affordable Housing Trust Fund’s Open the Door campaign (the legislature passed!). For the past 10 years he has been studying OOP and considers himself to be one of the last few Ruby on Rails enthusiasts.

WAN Strategist

Greg is a SysAdmin for a leading Aerospace Manufacturer with over 90,000 users located around the globe. Over the past 12 years Greg has worked his way up the IT ladder learning many different products, software, and systems along the way. He currently holds a Bachelor in Networks and Communication and is near to completing his Technology focused MBA. Greg is an avid believer in the Tron Network Project and is excited to witness and be involved with its creation.

Application Education

Colradi is a computer engineer in love with blockchain. He worked as an IT consultant and Java teacher for (too) many years in Madrid. Now he enjoys the inner peace of the mediterranean ocean, near Barcelona, and spends his days involved in a never ending Javascript project.

UX Designer

Duane Harrison is a lead designer for one of the world’s largest airlines. Prior to this he has worked with a number of startups, overseeing and contributing to the design of mobile and web apps, one of which has featured in Apple’s WWDC keynote. Now based in Hong Kong, he is looking towards digital transformation in the financial space and sees huge potential in future applications that build on the Tron network.

• Testable nodes
Full sync was reached on April 27 with 300+ blocks produced.

• Location of Server:
Linode Cloud Hosting
Atlanta Data Center

• Server type:
Cloud Based VM

• Budget Expenditure and Technical Plan before June 26, 2018

$15 . . . Domain Registration CommunityNode.org
$20 . . . May 1 — May 28 alpha configuration
$200 . . . May 29 — June 26 beta configuration
9,999 TRX . . . Super Representative Application Fee
— — — — — — — — —
$235 + 9,999 TRX = Total expenses May 1 — June 26

We will be building our primary cluster instance at the Linode data center in Atlanta Georgia, USA., where they offer an OC768 incoming network connection, with 40 Gbps in and 10 Gbps out. We believe that the incoming network connection will be critical for the Super Representative nodes.

Because the Tron Virtual Machine acts like one big symmetric multiprocessor cluster, we do not need a one-size-fits-all server instance, instead we will be building several server instances each with a specific task.

A Super Representative faces two technical responsibilities. The mission critical component is running a well-protected Witness Node. Then you must make available lots of flops and storage for TVM.

Our Primary cluster surrounds our Witness node with 6 Sentry nodes, which connect to the Witness via an IPSec tunnel. This cloaks the witness from the outside world, and allows it to advertise a private IP address. The 6 Sentry nodes act as the point of contact for the witness node, meaning a successful DDoS attack would have to discover and compromise all 6 Sentries. The Sentries will then be surrounded by unprotected Full Nodes which do the heavy lifting of the network. 8 of these nodes are configured to provide the most resources per dollar, and 4 are provisioned with 40/10 Gbps network connections. This ought to provide an optimal combination of storage, CPU and burst availability.

Our primary deployment cluster will provide 280 Cores + 1620 GB RAM + 23 TB SSD for the Tron Virtual Machine:

1x Witness Node $160 each
6x Sentry Nodes $160 each
2x High Mem High I/O Node $960 each
2x High CPU High I/O Node $960 each
8x Worker Nodes $320 each

$7520 + .02¢ per GB data transfer after the first 330 TB.

We will monitor the performance of this initial configuration and re-engineer accordingly.

• Plans for hardware expansion

We have discussed this project with John Arundel, noted author on the subject of Kubernetes and he has agreed to work with Community Node to develop a large scale deployment strategy. We will employ a variety of Cloud providers for geographical and resource diversity.

• Budget Expenditure and Technical Plan after June 26

Percentages are of daily block rewards earned.

80% — Voter Rewards Program

7% — Nodes

13% — Other Operating Expenses

Our primary witness cluster will provide **280 Cores + 1620 GB RAM + 23 TB SSD** for the Tron Virtual Machine. For every .04¢ gain in TRX price we will add another cluster.

We will distribute 80% of daily block rewards back to the voters who elect us to office, through a program that draws payouts from a slowly accruing payout account which maxxes out at 4 Million TRX. When the Super Representative Program ends in 2021, we will spend the entire 4 Million TRX that we’ve accrued in the payout account to buy hardware infrastructure on an enterprise level.

