Election Manifesto of TRON Super Representative — — Infinity Stones

Published in
5 min readJun 13, 2018

1. Official website:



2. Team location: Silicon Valley, and New York

3. Server type: Cloud Server

4. Server configuration and location:US-West, Eu-West

5. Budget and Technical Plan for 2018 (before June,26):

Google Cloud Platform

n1-megamem-96: 96 vCPU, 1.5 TB RAM, 2T SSD (15.000 IOPS, 240 MB/Sec read/write)

Machine Location & Pricing:

us-west1-b: $5,452.77 per month

eu-west1-b: $5,999.54 per month

Also, we are going to spend about $500,000 on R&D to develop a multi-cloud hybrid cloud management platform and cyber-security systems in house.

6. Technology Expansion Plan for 2018 (after June,26):

1) Server

Once the load of our GCP node reaches beyond 80%, we plan to migrate to Microsoft Azure M128ms in two different zones. The new machines double the spec of these used originally in the test

128 vCPU, 3.8TB RAM, 4TB SSD

West US 2: $11,173.42 per month

WEST EUROPE: $27,275.14 per month

2) Management

The supernode will be hosted on a multi-cloud hybrid platform, which is developed in-house. It will allow us to seamlessly migrate the service to any major cloud provider and scale along with the traffic growth.

3) Reliability

With a hybrid platform, we will set up multi-zone replication to achieve 99.995% availability. Monitoring and alerting systems (e.g. stackdriver) will be online for 7x24. The database will be backed up to a separate storage on a daily basis. We are going to have a dedicated devops team to stay on call for the TRON SR operation request.

4) Security

All internal data transfers will be encrypted. We will enable hardened JVM and OS image and also ensured the subscription of CVEs. All systems will be patched within 24 hours if there are any upstream fixes. We will enable secure boot or measured boot (when provided by the cloud provider).

5) Ecosystem

we feel pleased to cooperate with TRON on improving the on analyzing system level security holes and publishing periodical security patches to protect all super representatives from malicious attacks. Also, we can collaborate with TRON on building up the verification tools for the dApps running on TRON by leveraging our world-leading scientists on formal verification.

7. Community Support Plan for 2018:

1) The Infinity Stones has assembled a strong technology team of Ph.Ds and Faculties with world class academic tracking record and leading industry experience. By leveraging these relationships and tracking records, the Infinity Stones can help expand TRON’s influence in the academic community and industry through the following ways

· Host a series of seminars and workshops in world renowned research institutes as well as industrial meetings. It is a way of marketing TRON to both academia and major enterprises.

· Establish collaborations between TRON and research labs, to solve the most challenging blockchain technology problems. It will keep TRON’s leading position in the blockchain area.

· Help TRON to publish technology breakthrough on world-top conferences and journals. It can attract serious researchers to build up their research on top of TRON, and change the world in a better way.

2) The Infinity Stones and Certik are both incubated by Danhua Capital. Danhua Capital is a leading VC investing in cutting-edge technologies, which has over 100 companies in its portfolio across both USA and China. The Infinity Stones can

·explore potential opportunities for collaboration between TRON and any of these technology companies, which will create synergy in the business development.

·develop or migrate dApp projects on TRON. Danhua Capital has invested and are currently incubating a large amount of dApp projects that can migrate to or develop a version based on TRON, which will help build up the TRON’s eco-system.

3) The Infinity Stones’ top-talent experts on the Cyber Security and Cloud Service can help TRON build up a secure and reliable blockchain platform in the following ways

· Blockchain services have been attracting a significant amount of cyber-attacks. The mechanisms for such attacks typically include: exploiting 0days in the service software (esp. Remote exploits); DDoS attacks; Phishing service operators or social attacks. It’s worth noting that, unlike traditional software, Blockchain software tends to have more openness. As a consequence, it’s more vulnerable to cyber-attacks because exploiting open source software is much easier than exploiting close source software. The Infinity Stones has a team of leading system security experts with over 10 years’ experience in both academia and industry. The Infinity Stones feels pleased to cooperate with TRON on analyzing system level security holes and publishing periodical security patches to protect all super representatives from malicious attacks.

· Smart contracts are open-sourced to hackers and immutable once deployed. Any hole in the smart contract comes with huge attack benefits for attackers but great damage for the blockchains. In12/2017, $630 million has been lost to hackers, and recently hundreds of billions of ERC20 tokens (e.g., SMT) was illegally transferred due to a batch overflow bug in the smart contract. The Infinity Stones has established an wide-range partnership with Certik to provide highest-level security auditing for all dApps running on the blockchain. The Infinity Stones is very excited to collaborate with TRON on building up the verification tools for the dApps running on TRON.

8. Main Staff:

Judy Yan: Managing Director of Danhua Capital. She graduated from MIT. Ms Yan is an active blockchain investor for many years. In Danhua Capital, she has led the investment of Brave (Basic Attention Token), Nuco(Aion), Orchid Protocol, Nucypher, Zillqa, Aelf, Orgin Protocol, CertiK, and few more. Also, she is the very early investor of the world-leading crypto fund such as Polychain and Pantera.

Dr. Zhengyu He: Staff Software Engineer and Manager of Google Infrastructure team, Ph.D., Georgia Tech. Co-founder and Tech Lead of gVisor, a sandboxed container runtime. Over 10+ years’ experience in cloud security, operating system, and high-performance computing. He has led a team to provide cyber security protection of the Google Infrastructure.

Photo: https://www.linkedin.com/in/zhengyu-he-15a60920/

Dr. Zhenwu Shi: Member of Technical Staff of C3 IoT, Previously Senior Software Engineer at Oracle, Ph.D, Georgia Tech. Over 10+ years’ experience in IoT and Cyber-Physical Systems. Also, he serves on the Editor Board of Cyber-Physical, and the Technical Program Committee of the International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications, and IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conferences.

Photo: https://www.linkedin.com/in/zhenwu-shi-32a1376b/

Dr. Li Xu: Associate Director of UBS Investment Bank’s sales and trading team. Ph.D, Georgia Tech. Extensive experience in asset valuation and trading business. He was actively involved in growing over 200 billions USD of UBS Investment Bank and Wealth Management fixed income portfolio in North America, European and APAC regions, and participated in attracting big clients, like BlackRock, Vanguard, AllianceBernstein, etc.

Photo: https://www.linkedin.com/in/li-xu-46a72616/

Dr. Ronghui Gu: Assistant Professor at Columbia University. He obtained his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Yale University in 2016. His dissertation won the Distinction Dissertation Award of Yale and was nominated for ACM Dissertation Award. He obtained his B.S. from Tsinghua University in 2011. Gu focused on the research of the formal verification of system software and was the principal developer and author of CertiKOS, the world’s first fully verified concurrent OS kernel. He co-founded a blockchain startup, CertiK, which aims to build trustworthy blockchain ecosystems using formal verification techniques.

Photo: https://www.cs.columbia.edu/~rgu/

9. Test Node for community member


10. Community Media:



