Letter to the Community: BitTorrent Acquisition

Published in
2 min readJul 24, 2018

Fellow Tronics:

I am proud to officially announce that TRON has successfully acquired BitTorrent and all BitTorrent products. From this day on, BitTorrent, whose software has been installed on billions of user devices, will become part of the TRON ecosystem, making TRON the largest decentralized Internet ecosystem in the world.

Created in 2001, the BitTorrent protocol is a file sharing communications protocol based on a peer-to-peer network. It is the first decentralized Internet protocol with large-scale global application. Even today, the BitTorrent protocol retains its status as the world’s largest decentralized protocol, once transmitting 40% of daily Internet traffic. BitTorrent created and shaped the protocol, with 70% of BitTorrent users using the product. The company aims to decentralize the Web by promoting and further developing the BitTorrent protocol.

BitTorrent is the genesis of the decentralization movement. Developers, entrepreneurs, and the decentralized Web community regard BitTorrent as the original pioneers of decentralization technology. It is the foundation of an open, transparent, shared Internet protocol.

The BitTorrent acquisition embodies TRON’s “All-In Decentralization” strategy. TRON and BitTorrent share the same vision for a decentralized Web. I believe BitTorrent will gain new life from integrating into the TRON ecosystem, and TRON will continue BitTorrent’s protocol legacy.

Each and every BitTorrent user and supporter is part of the TRON family. Anyone who has ever used the BitTorrent protocol, built their business on the protocol, or otherwise benefited from the protocol will become part of the TRON family. All BitTorrent team members will also become part of the TRON family,

Through this acquisition, BitTorrent and TRON will combine forces, with the TRON US team merging with the BitTorrent team. BitTorrent possesses world-class technical talent and solid experience in decentralized protocol technology.. Combining the robust capabilities of the two teams will take the technology behind the TRON ecosystem to a whole new level.

With the integration of BitTorrent, TRON aims to liberate the Internet from the stranglehold of large corporations, give data rights back to the individual, and reignite the early 21st century vision of a free, transparent, decentralized network to connect the world, because the internet belongs to the people.

TRON + BitTorrent: The world’s largest decentralized ecosystem.

Justin Sun

