Register for Super Representative Candidacy on our new Explorer

Published in
3 min readJun 9, 2018

On June 26, 2018, GMT+8, the TRON community will hold the first Super Representative Election and based on the votes select 27 representants.

Every token holder has the opportunity to become a TRON Super Representative. TRON has provided the guidelines for Super Representatives candidates here.

For transparency purposes, TRON is communicating as often as possible on the Super Representatives’ progress and providing a daily ranking update on our Medium page

If you want to register to become a candidate for the TRON Super Representative Elections, you must first complete the process on the website. Listed below are the necessary steps you will need to take:

Step 1: Go to and sign in to your account.

Step 2: Go to your account and in the Super Representative box, click on the “Apply to be a Super Representative Candidate” button

Step 3: Enter your Super Representative website address (The address your SR team will be using.) and check the box confirming the cost of 9,999 TRX fee to proceed. (This amount is a testnet cost. Please do not send your TRX to this wallet. You may request testnet TRX at the bottom of the page.) Once you have entered in your website and checked the box, you may hit submit to proceed.

Step 4: You will be notified that your transaction has been processed and your account will be upgraded to a SR Candidate shortly.

Step 5: Once you hit “ok” your account will be upgraded and will give you the opportunity to set your Github link as well as providing you a link with more information on how to publish your SR page.

Step 6: With help on creating the “Landing Page,” click on the “Show More Information On How To Publish Page” button. It will open a new window which will bring you to this helpful page with a walkthrough on how to publish your page.

Step 7: If you select the Github link, it will prompt you to link your Github page via your Github username.

Step 8: As a Super Representative you will be able to claim your rewards by clicking on the “Claim Rewards” button in the Super Representative tab. All pertinent info and links will be found in this tab.

To keep an eye on the ranking and latest updates published by the Super Representatives candidates, visit tronscan’s voting section.

