TRON to the Future — DApp Developer Meetup

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7 min readSep 20, 2018

On September 14, the TRON community organized a meetup, gathering blockchain industry leaders and developers. The meetup brought developers up to speed with the current developer ecosystem of TRON through introducing DApp developer tools.

It is known that the TRON ecosystem has been developing rapidly with major breakthroughs in the last half year, including the official launch of the TRON Virtual Machine (TVM), completion of the TRON MainNet upgrade, BitTorrent acquisition, and Super Representative (SR) election, one after another. TRON aims to build a decentralized ecosystem.

Knowing about the DApp developer tools and the developing environment on the TRON global network, these industry leaders were curious to learn how to develop DApps on blockchain. In a sense, the better the blockchain developers are, the faster the industry can move forward. Obviously, there is still plenty of room for improvement for various types of DApps, but it’s expected that the DApp ecosystem will expand significantly moving on.

Based on the contents shared onsite, we will focus on the speeches of four speakers, hoping to bring some inspirations to the developers.

Li Xiaodong: Challenges and Opportunities for the Development of the DApp Ecosystem

At the beginning of the article, we mentioned that so far, the company with the best practice of peer-to-peer (P2P) transmission protocol is BitTorrent, and it was acquired by TRON, the organizer of the meetup.

BitTorrent is the Jerusalem, the sacred place for the decentralized Internet spirit. It is seen as the birthplace for decentralized technologies by global developers, entrepreneurs, and decentralized Internet community; it is also a pioneer of Internet protocols that seek to be open, transparent, and decentralized.

TRON successfully completed the acquisition of all BitTorrent’s products and integrated them into the TRON ecosystem. It is expected that TRON will help developers to develop more outstanding products, gain more traffic, and make more money through the products in the future. Subsequently, TRON’s strategy of All In Decentralization will fall into place.

The strengths of the TRON MainNet include: ·High-throughput, DPOS guarantees TPS, taking into account both democratization and decentralization. ·High-scalability, unlimited possibilities of smart contracts, supporting various DApps, combining a good database structure with the account system, convenient for complex models and designs, developer-friendly. ·Low-cost, no gas fee for transactions, applying for resource through freezing assets, almost free.

Li Xiaodong, head of the TRON DApp ecosystem, promised that TRON would use the improved development system and its worldwide technologies to support developers, including tools such as VM, TRON BOX, TRON STUDIO, TRON INFURA, and TRON WEB. Additionally, TRON will support developers with mechanisms such as continuous strategic patience, equity investment, ecosystem incubation, product diversion, 1–1 special cooperation, currency investment, and competition incentives, etc.

Minako Kojima: realizing dynamic P/S for cryptographic tokens through smart contracts

As the CEO of Xiannvzuo technology company, Minako Kojima believes that blockchain game will become an independent branch of the gaming industry. The following three things can be done through blockchain: ·Fix the number of each card in the contract to ensure the scarcity of cards; ·Fix the winning rate of each reward card in the contract to prevent the winning rate from being tampered with by the game company. ·Store cards in personal wallets. Gaming companies cannot seize players’ assets unilaterally. From a market perspective, blockchain is in greater need of games for the short term. Every public chain wants to attract more people because the more people a chain can get on board, the more likely it will succeed. Blockchain games can help to promote blockchain itself.

Blockchain games will facilitate the reception of the blockchain concept among users. How can a Token return to its original value? Minako Kojima believes: · Give it a certain function. For example, make a good game and use the Token in the game. · Token also has a hidden value in the transfer process, and this value is usually ignored by users and taken by the platform.

As Minako Kojima said, no matter what technologies the game is presented with, don’t be evil.

Wu Xiao: Blockchain Mindset and Game Innovation

Wu Xiao graduated from the Department of Computer Science at the University of Alberta. He is a big fan of games and an entrepreneur in the software industry. Wu Xiao shared his experience on developing blockchain independent games with the guests.

Mainly developed by Wu Xiao, the game “Cell Evolution” won the weekly championship of the second week of Nebulabs Incentive, which was hosted by Nebulas. It is said that he developed the game on his own with just 10 days or so. (Screenshot of “Cell Evolution”).

When introducing “Cell Evolution”, Wu Xiao said: “It is the first decentralized sandbox strategy game based on blockchain. All the players will serve as one cell population. In this population, players will need to maintain the overall balance of adaptability, survivability, and reproducibility. When the balance is lost in the population, the overall evolution will fail. Cell Evolution is not just a game, it is also a real social experiment. You play the role of a primitive cell here, yet countless you together will determine our destiny.”

At the meetup, one guest asked, “How to stand out from a multitude of blockchain games?”

Wu Xiao answered: “Currently, there are a lot of developers for blockchain games. In order to stand out from various games, the focus should be on the creativity of the games. For independent games, it is essential to come up with your own ideas and interesting gaming features. Additionally, blockchain game is still in its infancy. In order to develop, we cannot count on greater fools. Games need to be attractive and creative, bringing unique gaming experience for players. “

In the meantime, Wu Xiao hopes that developers of blockchain games can see that the Ethereum platform is not the only choice and there are games that don’t rely on irrational players. Ethereum is congested and its gas price is high; other lighter and faster public chain platforms, such as TRON, are worth considering.

In terms of user experience, games that gamble on irrational players are certainly not the future trend for the healthy development of blockchain games. Only games with a soul and creative features will take the lead in blockchain games in the future.

Chen Hao: Exploration of the entertainment field of blockchain

The entertainment industry has been the forefront of commercial attempts. Many seemingly irrelevant industries are trying to become associated with this hot topic.

Chen Hao, head of BitGuild (blockchain company) China, gave an analysis of some attempts in the entertainment field of blockchain.

Chen Hao introduced three mature models for value creation of cultural works.

· Genius, such as Mona Lisa.

· Classics, such as books, music, movies.

· IP, in the Internet era, with the fascinating speed of information transmission, any products that use information as the main vessel (that is, cultural works in a broad sense).

Interest distribution for the Classics type in the entertainment field:

· Theoretical interest distribution: consumption advocates, distributors, investors, authors.

· Actual interest distribution: distributor income, author income, investor income.

Interest distribution for the IP type in the entertainment field:

· Theoretical interest distribution: investors, consumers, authors.

· Actual interest distribution: both authors and investors will benefit from the process.

Although the classical type and the IP type have matured in value creation, injustice is actually present in the interest distribution mechanism. The ultimate reason is that the value created with these types is difficult to measure: on the one hand, the contribution is mostly hidden; on the one hand, the value is relatively small, and the statistical cost goes beyond the value itself.

As a result, out of their own instincts, users will try to take back their own interests. Eventually, this will lead to players competing for their interests unconsciously yet voluntarily. As a result of the natural protection and pursuit of the interests of the players, the guild was born, further weakening the authority of the game company, and the company is no longer the only center. The guild gives players a chance to negotiate with the authority. However, as a centralized organization, the guild still has problems in interest distribution.

Up to now, based on live game streaming, which is a derivative (or secondary creation) of games, its profit no longer relies on official payment transfer, but is directly parallel to the profit of the company.

In the end, Chen Hao shared that only developers could clearly see how different the current community and time are compared to the past; similarly, future community will be very different from the current one. After the transformation, with more public focus on blockchain, applications can be landed and the future of blockchain games will be clearer.

Conclusion: The TRON team held the first domestic offline meetup to meet the development need of the TRON ecosystem and to get an idea of the current development of DApps. We hope that in the near future, through improving developer tools, documentations, and tutorials, TRON can provide a convenient, simple, efficient, and user-friendly developing environment for DApps, building a resilient ecosystem to attract developers to complete the initial building of a decentralized ecosystem step by step.

