Tron’s Mainnet Timeline FAQ

Published in
2 min readMay 29, 2018

On May 31, 2018 (GMT+8), the TRON Foundation will release its mainnet, Odyssey 2.0

Below are answers to frequently asked questions about the release and what comes next for the community.

Mainnet FAQ

  1. What happens after May 31?

On May 31, 2018 (GMT+8), TRON’s mainnet will go live. From May 31 — June 24th, the mainnet will undergo rigorous public testing while the community prepares for independence.

On June 25 00:00 Beijing time (GMT+8), the Genesis block will be created, marking the official launch of an independent Tron Protocol.

2. Is token migration required on May 31?

Users do not need to conduct token migration on May 31. After June 25, partner exchanges will be responsible for migrating all tokens.

3. What is the difference between events on May 31 and June 25?

The mainnet release is a technical milestone, but supporting community preparation for the launch on June 25 is a large-scale operation. After the tech is released on May 31, we must bring together the 1M+ TRON community to prepare for lift off June 25.

Users need sufficient time between May 31 and June 25 for the community to download and sync with Odyssey 2.0, use our guidelines to learn the ins and outs, and familiarize themselves with this version of mainnet.

Participants in the ecosystem, e.g. wallets, blockchain explorers, dApp developers, also need time to configure systems to Odyssey 2.0.

TRON is currently partnered with over 50 exchanges around the world, and will also need time to adapt to this version of mainnet, in addition to sending token migration notices to users.

The period between May 31 and June 25 gives the community enough time to adapt to mainnet. In this 25-day period, the TRON team will communicate with exchanges, Super Representatives, and developers to ensure that the entire ecosystem is ready for TRON Protocol independence June 25.

4. Is the May 31 version, Odyssey 2.0, secure and reliable?

Yes. Odyssey 2.0 is secure and reliable, and will become a milestone in TRON’s history, as well as the history of blockchain. TRON’s core developer team and the global community have submitted 2,000 commits, merged over 500 forks, covering 384 unit tests. After dozens of iterations and close collaboration with our community developers, TRON Protocol now has 102 new features.

Our community developers have built 15 TRON blockchain explorers and 102 wallet apps on testnet, contributing to the diversity of the TRON ecosystem.

We’ve put together a talented testing team who have worked on 216 regression testing cases and exceptions testing cases. We have also create a performance testing lab, where stringent stress tests and DDoS tests. This process greatly enhances TRON Protocol’s availability and stability.

TRON mainnet, Odyssey 2.0, marks a new era in blockchain history, setting standards for high performance, scalability, and availability.

