Updates on the Migration of TRON’s Official Tokens, TRX

Published in
2 min readJun 26, 2018

TRON’s mainnet was launched by TRON Independence Group based on community consensus at 10:00 on June 25, 2018 (Singapore time), and has been running smoothly ever since. The migration of TRX from ERC20 tokens to TRON’s mainnet tokens has commenced simultaneously; exchanges that support the migration have started the technical integration. All is going well.

Regarding to the token migration, TRON would like to make the following statements:

1. ERC20 tokens of TRX will remain valid until all ERC20 tokens are converted to TRON’s mainnet tokens.

2. Token holders can make the conversion at any exchange that supports TRX migration. For specific conversion time, please refer to the announcement made by individual exchange. Find the list of exchanges that support the migration at TRON’s official website: https://tron.network/trx.

3. Binance.com and Gate.io will both support the conversion from ERC20 tokens to TRON’s mainnet token until all ERC20 tokens are converted to TRON’s mainnet tokens. We welcome other exchanges to contact us about providing continuous support for the migration, in order to better serve the token holders. TRON will provide timely updates of the list of exchanges that can provide continuous support for the migration.

4. The Super Representative Election has begun. Super Representative candidates can start the voting process and prepare for their promotional campaigns based on the progress of the migration at the exchanges.

TRON Foundation

June 26, 2018(UTC+8)

