Behind The Music: Aura the Band

Tropicult Miami
Published in
4 min readApr 22, 2015

Aura the Band is homegrown Miami band, stirring up the music scene with their eclectic sound. Songs like “Listening” and the newest single, “As I Fall”, remind me of a hybrid between The Black Keys and Janis Joplin. The four-piece act is composed of Aura/vocals/guitar, Mik/Lead guitar, Alex/Bass, and Anuar/Drums. The band has been together since 2013, writing music from inspired by life experiences. Miami, meet Aura the Band.

How did you all meet and how did the band get started?

Anuar: Aura and Tiago first formed the band in early 2013 shortly after meeting for the first time. Aura, Mike and I met in high school. Alex is the latest addition to the band. We hit it off from the start and are stoked to have him on board.

Where do you get inspiration?

Alex: From my life. That urge to rise above the place I come from. And from the artists I’ve grown up listening to and admire.

Mike: It’s going to sound lame but mostly from all the bands I would listen to back in high school. They were the reason I picked up a guitar in the first place!

Aura: From everyday life. The experiences we go through. Waking up, opening our eyes. The people around us. Those who stay, those who don’t.

Anuar: My Family and Friends mainly. Sure, I’m inspired by tons of musicians but they are what keeps me going.

Which song is your favorite?

Alex: I like the direction the band has taken with the new material we’ve been working on. It’s a close call between As I Fall and Take A Table.

Mike: It would definitely have to be one of the new ones. Either take a table or as I fall for sure.

Anuar: I love the soul and blues fusion from our older songs, but I’m really diggin’ what our latest outfit is bringing to the table.

Aura: Off the CD, Aqui te Espero because of the flow and. The space between the actual sound of the notes. I think the space is beautiful because of the way it was recorded one two takes live…

Describe your sound.

Alex: I would say it’s a soulful mix of Rhythm & amp; blues with a touch of “Ethereal” Rock.

Mike: Hard to say. We have so many different influences that it makes it hard to label. I used to think we were a modern folk band, but I’ve changed my mind since. Maybe easy listening alt rock? Haha.

Aura: A mix of everything, I actually try not to fit it into any “genre” because I don’t wanna have limitations when it comes to writing as long as it has some soul and heart behind it I’m good

Who would you tour with if you could?

Alex: Joe Satriani.

Mike: ’80s Metallica, right before the black album.

Anuar: Converge!

Aura: I would need a time machine for this one, I would go back to 1966 and tour with Janis Joplin with Big Brother and The Holding Company.

What is the funnest part of having a band?

Alex: The time we spend onstage sharing what we’ve created with others. That connection and energy that’s created between us and the audience. Generating the feeling of harmony and positivity in a mass of people which is so rare in any other circumstance.

Mike: Family. People who want the same things you do and are willing to put the same amount of effort.

Anuar: Being able to do what you love with people you love.

Aura: Being able to go on stage with some of my favorite people and getting that high nothing else in the world gives! the magic of performing.

Which instrument would you play that you are not playing at the current moment?

Alex: Lead guitar!

Mike: Keyboard. Always wanted to learn how to play it and never had.

Anuar: Bass all the way.

Aura: Any string instrument like the violin, viola,chello….

What is the first song you ever learned musically?

Alex: You shook me all night long by AC/DC.

Mike: Glycerin by Bush hahaha. I was in fifth grade and my dad had just bought me my first guitar. Neighbor taught me to play it.

Anuar: Around the Fur by Deftones.

Aura: Haha, I think I learned what everybody learns first Smells like teen spirit, by Nirvana on guitar.

Anything you would like to share as far as upcoming shows/tours or future releases?

Aura: We actually have a cd release show coming up Friday Night April 24th at Churchill;s Pub. Everyone is invited to come celebrate on a night that will fuse art and music. We’ve got a couple local bands and all kind of visual artist. Right after this we plan on hitting the studio to lay down some new tracks.

Anuar: We plan to release our next EP in August and a tour this fall.

