Farewell to Local Legends DISSEVER!

Tropicult Miami
Published in
4 min readOct 5, 2015

Miami doesn’t have a lot of mainstay metal acts, but that makes the ones we do have that much more special. So it’s a bummer that after 9 loud years with their current members, Miami heavy hitters Dissever will play their final show on October 9 at Churchill’s Pub.

It’s not like they’re breaking up. Although bassist Anthony Noel Beaulieu is moving to Seattle, they will record new tracks indefinitely. The live aspect of Dissever, however, will indefinitely come to an end.

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Dissever and one of their favorite hobbies: beer.

Dissever and one of their favorite hobbies: beer.[/caption]

“Some of my fondest memories come from when we were on the road. You really get know your bandmates out there living on the road,” remembered singer Eddy Torres.


After joining forces with Torres around ’05 — ’06, guitarist Brian Jenkins, drummer William Jenkins, and bassist Anthony cemented their status as one of the most celebrated and loved bands in the local scene. Aspects of progressive metal, hardcore, and alternative shaped their sound into a unique brand — unique especially for a town that over the years saw less and less hard-hitting rock music.

This year it’ll see even less…but not before one last crazy night.

They’re calling it the “Farewell Anthony Show” and the party will be big. The lineup consists of 9 beloved South Florida bands, 3 of whom are reuniting for this special occasion.

Lovable, big, and insanely talented, Anthony and his crazy bass lines and monster tones will be missed by his bandmates, friends, and countless people in the scene.

So, too, will Dissever’s performances be missed. It’s hard to imagine a day when Churchill’s won’t have a Dissever show coming up.

“Churchill’s has always treated us well,” said Brian Jenkins, “Even when we started out and didn’t know which promoters to avoid we’d play there for them and the staff always took care of us.”

Former high-volume comrades Murderous Ambition, Vultures Are Wolves, and My Amends will be back together again. Also on the bill are the longtime Miami metalheads Silenmara, Falseta, and State of Solitude.

Letters of the Lost and Echoes of a Nightmare, both including longtime Miami metal scene devotees, are slated to open.

“Putting together your ‘last’ show is never easy. We immediately thought about reaching out to Vultures Are Wolves and Murderous Ambition since rumors of a possible reunion had been circulating,” said Torres.

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Eddy Torres on the keys.

Eddy Torres on the keys.[/caption]

The regrouped bands share a long history with Dissever like all bands playing the Farewell Anthony Show.

“We’ve been pushing for a Murderous Reunion for a few years,” said Jenkins, “we played a lot of shows with both bands [Murderous Ambition and Vultures are Wolves] when we were more active and it was always a good time. When we all lived together and threw house parties, Vultures played most of the parties.”

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Brian of Dissever jamming at their last practice for a while.[/caption]

The singer of Silenmara, Reggie Mara, told Tropicult about his friendship with Dissever. They’ve shared the stage at countless shows ever since the early days: “I’m talking about the days at the old ‘Dissever house’ where they threw these massive parties,” he explained, referring to a house Dissever shared several years back.

“It was then [that] we all knew Dissever wasn’t the norm. These guys have something special about everything they have touched,” said Mara.

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From one of Dissever's last practices for the show.

From one of Dissever’s last practices for the show.[/caption]

The night will not just feature a nonstop revolving door of classic South Florida heaviness. After a punishing succession of incredible yet deafening music, Dissever will play an extended set consisting of old and new songs. This is going to be the penultimate Dissever show.

So let’s recap: 9 years of Dissever’s ideal lineup, 9 bands on the bill, and it’s on October 9… can’t be a coincidence. Come on out for one of the hardest hitting nights in Miami’s musical history.

