Raw Power: Brian Butler

Tropicult Miami
Published in
2 min readNov 27, 2012

Brian Butler is without a doubt one of our favorite local artists. That being said, when he invited us to check out the mural the he was working on for Miami Art Week, we immediately put on our adventuring shoes and headed over to the Design District.

Dopedoll and I climbed up to the roof of Shulman + Associates, snapped some pics of him and his pal Mike at work, and caught up with the artists.

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Although we had a great time hanging with Brian, we also had to go check out what some of our other friends were working on for Basel. Since we couldn’t stick around to see how it turned out, Brian Butler was nice enough to send over some more photos of the progress he made on the “doodles on a building” for us to share with you:

[gallery link=”none” ids=”20206,20208,20209,20224" orderby=”rand”]

If you’re an art lover like me, you will most likely be in or around the Design District Thursday kicking off the weekend early in celebration of Miami Art Week. Be sure to pop in Shulman + Associates for the unveiling of Raw Power and see for yourself how nice it turned out.The party starts at 7pm and ends way before your bedtime so hit the spot up decently early so you don’t miss the fun. Catch ya’ on the flip side!

