The Hongs: Sounds [Single Release]

Tropicult Miami
Published in
2 min readOct 9, 2014

The new single from Miami band The Hongs is almost too good to be true. The chilled out electronic act rolls out a song with sonic textures that soothe the frazzled listener, along with some of the highest quality songwriting available in South Florida. In fact it’s better than much of the stale, predictable “smooth” electronic pop one is likely to hear on TV or at the local retail clothing outlet. Yes, perhaps they are practitioners of that smooth danceable style but they validate it as art.

They have proven it once again on the new single, “Sounds.” It drives on a pulsing beat yet at the same time the synth tones and overall song itself are relaxing. The breezy melody of Gordon Myers’ warm modulated vocals sound like a musical robot lounging on South Beach. The melody is even sometimes reminiscent of 311’s slower, softer jams — in the best way possible.

The six piece band is progressing from the Delicate Tremors E.P. On that release the substance was there. Now it’s finding a more focused, purposeful direction. Each change in “Sounds” makes the maximum impact and moves the song forward to the right place at the right time. They know how to create an addictive, ear-pleasing mood that makes a song special.

The B-side, “Ms. Understandings,” takes a bit more experimental approach to chordal interplay with melody, but they pull it off. The texture is also a bit different, using techniques used sometimes in-house or trance-like what sounds to be pounding sidechain compression (for those not in the know). The note choices are flawless and against expectations, causing melodic tension to release over a spread of buzzing synths and pulsating digital noise. Then, the chorus is so catchy it could be repeated indefinitely and leave listeners begging for more.

Upcoming Shows

If you would like to see the Hongs play their impeccably crafted electro-pop live, you can catch them at their next two shows. They play Thursday, October 9th at Ball & Chain World Famous Bar & Lounge in Little Havana and then at Soho Studios in Wynwood for the III Points Festival on Sunday, October 12 at 10:15pm. You can also keep up with them on their Facebook page, as well as hear all of their music on their Soundcloud. You can buy their music at their website:

