May Day — a year in trouble

Anders Emil Møller
Trouble Stories
Published in
6 min readMay 1, 2017

11st of May is the day to mark the International Workers’ Day. May day is also a day for celebration of spring in some countries especially in Europe. If you put the words together it’s an emergency signal in life-threatening situations when sailing or flying. Mayday is also the day the creative laboratory we call Trouble was born. Today it’s been one year of Trouble — also with a small ‘t’. Trouble can be good and bad. It’s wonderful when the established is challenged or maybe even destroyed. Destruction can be necessary, but also devastating. Sometimes it’s even disastrous or outright heartbreaking.

This year has been no exception. Some events and catastrophes have felt more extreme than ever. As doctor and professor Hans Rosling who passed away in February brilliantly explained again and again: the world is better off now than anytime before. Even though this past year have been full of events that didn’t really feel like advancements. Let’s have a look at what caught our attention.

01. MAY. 2016

When Christopher Columbus set out for the East Indies in 1492, uncertainty rumbled on board the ship for weeks. In these times of perpetual change we must dare to try something new. — In troubled waters
#ideas #creativity #purpose #technology #globalisation #humanity

08. MAY. 2016

One thing is for sure, Silicon Valley and a few selected people working from there more or less holds the patent to how the world works now and what the future should look like. But are they right? — Six books that explain the world of today
#ideas #technology #humans #machines #business #entrepreneurship #creativity #innovation

World hunger reached its lowest point in 25 years

17. MAY. 2016

Technological advances are achieved at such a high speed that the human brain no longer understand. Right now scientists believe that the Internet and digital technology has moved us into ‘the Second Machine Age’. — Exponential development explained with rice
#technology #business #innovation #ideas #globalisation

23. JUN. 2016

The internet has given rise to a plethora of ​​sophisticated and addictive free options. But it comes at a cost. Even Facebook. — What’s the price of free?
#internet #business #data #advertising #privacy #ideas #social_media

26. JUN. 2016

If you really need to be successful in the economy of the digital age, you must have a mission and live it — rather than just being profit driven. — Missionaries will take out mercenaries in the digital age
#innovation #business #creativity #ideas #mission

06. SEP. 2016

The internet has ruined the business model for journalism. And trolls are ruining the public debate on the open internet. And Facebook is swallowing all of it into its walled gardens. — Free Speech is Now a Brutal War on the Internet
#media #social_media #internet #business #free_speech #censorship

12. SEP. 2016

The social media giant once again made some trouble in the world of legacy media and free speech by censuring an iconic war photo. — Facebook just expanded its position as the most powerful media
#social_media #media #free_speech #data #privacy #censorship #democracy #algorithms #business

12. OCT. 2016

A lot of companies have shareholders to work for — that makes stocks their ultimate product. That’s not the case for Evan Spiegel and Elon Musk so far which makes them navigate a lot more on intuition. — Why intuition is more disruptive than spreadsheets
#innovation #creativity #business #ideas #design

09. NOV. 2016

Donald Trump is elected president of the United States of America

16. NOV. 2016

Remember how people suddenly left the Republican and Democratic establishments for Trump and Sanders because the alternatives had a mission and passion? No one saw that coming. Sadly one of them was like Facebook and Twitter; an accelerator of wrong. The time is over for anyone not taking a clear stand on our world. If they don’t think there is any distinction between right or wrong, people will leave them. They may not witness it for themselves because they too may be living inside their own bubble. — The Big Bubble Blame Game Is On
#internet #democracy #free_speech #censorships #algorithms

The fight for ecosystems is the religious crusades of the digital age. Anyone trying to gain a foothold with new ideas shouldn’t just find a way to existing ecosystems, but replace them altogether. Those who succeed creating as many interrelated components across the entire business will have bigger impact. This is where disruption happens and industries fall apart. — Holy War on Google
#internet #business #advertising #data #strategy #innovation #humans

Fake News became a phenomena at a much larger scale in parts thanks to social media like Facebook

The hottest year ever ☀️🔥🌶

02. FEB. 2016

Advertising has come out on top of the internet economy. But the business model is strangling the world wide web and everything else is having a hard time breathing. — Advertising is Strangling the Web

#internet #advertising #data #business #privacy #social_media #media #algorithms

16. MAR. 2017

We are already well underway to modify humanity to be lazy, unimaginative and dependent on machines. In the pursuit of progress and growth we are leaving behind the ingredients that makes us human. In other words; Humans will lose humanity. — Technology will make humanity obsolete
#ideas #technology #humans #machines #future #algorithms #artificial_intelligence #criticism

12. APR. 2017

We as humans has to figure out where we’re headed and how we will deal with exponential technologies when the effects of exponentiality becomes clear. The Old World of Europe should have an advantage in thinking and acting democracy, politics, philosophy and humanities with a healthy critical perspective. The whole point of innovation is to be innovative. And original. Also in your approach. — We Need Innovation on How To Innovate
#ideas #innovation #creativity #globalisation #technology #criticism

It may be that Trouble launched a year ago but trouble has been around long before and will be around forever. So the most telling from the last twelve months is perhaps to the extent that everything seems to be more polarised and extreme. Good news is better. Catastrophes are worse. That’s why we need to practise how to create, live and love in this kind of world. We need new ideas to make and overcome trouble. To move forward in a healthy and sustainable way. It’s the world as we know. We know nothing ✊



Anders Emil Møller
Trouble Stories

Building a Creative Laboratory for New Ideas @ Trouble.