Preventing a user from directly accessing a route in Ember.js

André Joaquim
Trouva Product Blog
2 min readOct 16, 2019
Photo by chris panas on Unsplash

At Trouva (we’re hiring!) we’re always aiming to improve our retailers’ experience by providing them with features to help them build their business around the world. Ember.js is the technology that powers up our retailer’s platform.

While building a new feature for retailers, we encountered the following problem:

We must prevent users from directly accessing the new welcome route, but we want to be able to send them ourselves to that route.

Using ember.js, we can very simply solve this problem.

We want to ensure this behaviour is triggered before the model is loaded, so we’ll implement the logic in the beforeModel hook. ember.js uses a routing microlib called router.js, which implements the Transition class. The beforeModel hook receives the current Transition as its sole argument.

Every Transition has a sequence property. This property tells in which order was this Transition executed. If this is the initial transition, its value is 0.

The snippet above implements the solution for our problem, by checking if the transition.sequence is equal to 0. In that case, it redirects the user to the index page.

It’s worth noting that in this case it’s preferable to use replaceWith instead of transitionTo due to the fact that replaceWith replaces the current history entry instead of adding a new one.

I hope you liked this small article on how to prevent a user from directly accessing a route in ember.js 🎉

