Trove Auction Rewards

Published in
4 min readMar 3, 2022

Hello all Troversians! As we announced earlier, we have considered valuable rewards for the Trove Auction phase and for all initiators who dive into the portal with us in the first phase!

We thought it wouldn’t be a Trove Auction if there is no treasure to hunt! That’s why we will be appreciating your participation and commitment with valuable rewards.

Although the outcome of the auction is the same flat price for all minters as we will be returning all accumulated credits, the rewards would be for owners who realized a higher value in the Troverse project and opt into owning their planets earlier.

Available Rewards in the Trove Auction

1. Troverse Stars

Troverse Star

Stars are one of the Own-to-Earn NFT assets in the ecosystem of Troverse and there are only 750 of them available in the galaxy. This rare asset lets you rename the Star System even if you don’t have a planet in the system that you hold its Star! We will be sharing more details on the earnings and benefits in the economy section of the whitepaper before proceeding with the governance token generation event in mid-2022.

Troverse Star System

We decided to airdrop 50 stars in the auction, out of 750 supplies. The rest can be minted later;

50/750 Troverse Galaxy Stars
Every 5th mint for the first 250 planets

2. Tromie Bot

Tromie Bot

You should be familiar with this lovely cute drone flying around the headquarter that welcomes you and all the guests! Tromie Bot is a great companion, stays in your headquarter and will make sure that you don’t feel lonely. We performed a deep search and could find only 1500 of them in the entire Galaxy. We will airdrop most of them in the Auction and Whitelist phases;

Auction Phase:
/1500 Tromie Bots
Guaranteed for the first 100 mints
Every 3rd mint for mint 101–1000
Every 5th mint for mint 1001–3000
Every 10th mint for mint 3001–7000

Whitelist Phase:
/1500 Tromie Bots
Raffles between wallets that minted in the Whitelist phase.
This is the only asset that we airdrop in the Whitelist phase)

We also considered granting each of our Elite community members 1 Tromie Bot when this NFT is ready to drop. We will airdrop the rest within the community or for promotional purposes.

3. Troverse VIP Pass

Troverse VIP Pass

This is a special pass that grants the most privileges among all future passes in Troverse. There is only a limited supply of 1000 VIP Passes available and we will airdrop 250 of them in the Trove Auction. The rest may not be available for public minting and will be granted to significant individuals entering the Galaxy or airdropped in future major events.

This pass provides both Metaverse and Real Life access for all eligible events. Whether it’s a Metaverse concert in the Troverse Citadel, attending Troverse lounge in an exhibition, or gathering in a private party, holders are always welcome! We will try to enable VIP Pass holders to participate in the Alpha version without the need to hold a planet.

250/1000 Troverse VIP Passes
Raffles between first 1000 wallets that mint in the auction
Each minted planet adds one entry

4. Diamond Hands Emote NFT

Diamond Hands Emote NFT

The fourth and the last category of auction rewards is a special emote NFT that we would like to airdrop for all Troversians who dive into the portal at the earliest and don’t think twice to own their planets.

Do you see the highest value in Troverse planets? Is it a no-brainer for you to opt into owning yours, right at the first tier of the auction? Brilliant! You deserve to hold one of these NFTs to brag to other players later in the game💎

Supply: unknown
For everyone who mints at the highest tier of the auction

Delivery Estimation

After the launch event, we will share the winners’ wallets and will run the raffles. You will know if you are a winner, but it will take us a while after we revealed the collection, to prepare an exclusive ERC1155 contract to allow minting and keeping all “Troverse Specials” items in one collection. We should also decide if we want to move them to the Polygon, Immutable X or BSC chains or keep them on Ethereum like the planets. For the Star NFTs however, we need to develop the rename functionality and native token integration for minting. Having said that, we ask you to be patient to receive your rewards! :)

We hope you all liked the rewards that we have considered for the Auction.

Mark the launch date to not miss your chance on owning your planets;

📅 March 04 @ 10:00 AM PST 📅

Follow us on Twitter and Join our Discord server. See you in the Galaxy! 🌌




Troverse is a gaming Metaverse where players Own, Explore, Collect, Trade, and Compete in treasure-hunting adventures spanning a vast galaxy of 10,000 planets.