Troverse Dashboard Is Now Live!

Stake Your Planets & Earn $G-Bucks

7 min readAug 23, 2022


Greetings, all Troversians!

Today, we are excited to launch the first version of Troverse Dashboard with a feature you’ve been waiting for; Planet Staking🪐

If you are as excited as we are, let’s see what staking is, how it works and what you can earn by staking your planets!

Troverse Dashboard (V 1.0)

Troverse dashboard will be your main go-to-platform when you want to interact with on-chain activities like withdrawing or depositing your tokens, view your NFTs, and in future, trade your NFTs! We will update the dashboard with more features as we progress with the player profile and account system, Marketplace, web-based Galaxy Explorer and more.

Access the dashboard here:

For now, you can connect your MetaMask wallet as the only authentication method available.

What is Staking?

Staking NFTs works similar to staking cryptocurrencies because NFTs are tokenized assets on the blockchain, like your planets. It means you need to transfer and lock your NFT assets in a Smart Contract, and in exchange, you will be rewarded with the staking rewards, usually in the form of tokens, while you are still the actual owner of the staked NFT!

Staking NFTs can also help a project or collection to gain and capture more value once more NFTs are staked and less listed for trade on secondary markets, eventually benefiting the whole community.

Why Planet Staking?

At Troverse Citadel, we need to gather and consume a rare substance called Trovite to supply the energy required to discover the Galaxy and build the infrastructures like highways or stations to make everything ready for your first jump in 2023 🚀

Trovite is a rare resource mostly found underground and releases extraordinary energy when burned.

The good news is that you can contribute to preparing the Galaxy! Visit the Troverse Lab in the Citadel with your planet NFT and sign the contract (in this case, the staking smart contract!) to let us perform research on your planet, extract Trovites and keep building the Galaxy. Of course, your contribution will be greatly rewarded; we will airdrop $G-Bucks tokens for you to collect!

Apart from the gamified purpose, staking lets us appreciate our loyal Planet Lords who see long-term value in holding their planets and are willing to commit more while passionately following Troverse.

Troverse Galaxy Bucks

Troverse G-Bucks

Troverse Galaxy Bucks, or $G-Bucks, is a pure utility token with various use-cases and utilities within the ecosystem of Troverse.

This inflationary token will not be sold by the Troverse team and will only be airdropped as rewards for players and asset holders to incentivize players’ activities and encourage Troverse community engagement.

G-Bucks can be stored in your Troverse accounts or withdrawn to your wallet on the Ethereum or Polygon networks, initially starting with Ethereum. Each variation is represented with a distinct color to distinguish where the token exists. Check them below in 3D:

Troverse $G-Bucks
Troverse $G-Bucks on Polygon
Troverse $G-Bucks on Ethereum

Planet Staking is now LIVE!

To stake your planets, visit the Staking Page on the dashboard and select the planets you want to stake. Staking is a free feature, but you need ETH to pay for the Ethereum network gas fees every time you stake or unstake your NFTs because it’s an on-chain activity, interacting directly with the smart contract.

Select the planets you want to stake, click on the “Stake Selected” button and pay the gas fee to stake them.

Staking Rewards

We implemented a straightforward way to calculate the staking rewards:
200 Daily $G-Bucks per staked planet, accumulates per second!

Collect your rewards

You can collect your accumulated staking rewards every 24 hours by clicking on the Collect button. The collected amount will be added to your $G-Bucks balance in your Troverse account, visible on your dashboard home page.
⚠ Please note that collecting staking rewards is an off-chain action.

You can collect your accumulated staking rewards every 24 hours

You can unstake your planets anytime you want, but you must manually collect the remaining rewards. Each time you collect your rewards, the collect button will be disabled and will be unlocked after 24 hours.


You can withdraw your balance on the Ethereum network by clicking on the Withdraw button once a week. This is an on-chain activity and you must pay for the Ethereum network gas fees.

You can withdraw your G-Bucks balance to your wallet every 7 days

Each time you withdraw your G-Bucks balance, the Withdraw button will be disabled and will be unlocked after 7 days.

$G-Bucks Initial Airdrop For All Planet Lords!🎊

As a thank you to all our beloved and loyal planet holders, we will be airdropping $G-Bucks tokens for the wallets we recorded in our snapshot!

Rewards calculation

We took a snapshot on August 22 to list all recent owners. If you were holding your planets by that time, your wallet should be eligible to collect the rewards!

Snapshot Block Number: 15391738
Snapshot Block Time: 1661191208 — Aug-22–2022 18:00:08 UTC

To ensure the drop is fair for everyone, especially for the holders who minted their planets in the Trove Auction, we are considering a base amount plus a bonus multiplier for each day you held your planets and an additional bonus if you minted your planet!

Rewards formula:

▶ Base Amount: 100 daily $G-Bucks * 171 days = 17,100 G-Bucks
▶ Bonus: 1% per day that you held your planet

✔ Minted and held planet grants 10% additional bonus
✔ Thanks to our technical team, free transfers don’t reset the bonus! 🙌

Example 1:

You purchased and held a planet from OpenSea 30 days before the snapshot:
17,100 Base $G-Bucks
30 days × 1% = 30% bonus = 5,130 $G-Bucks
17,100 + 5,130 = 22,230 $G-Bucks

Example 2:

You were the first Troversian who minted and held your planet from the mint date (March 04, 2022), but you transferred it to another wallet of yours (free transfer):
17,100 Base $G-Bucks
≈171 days× 1% = 171% bonus = 29,241 $G-Bucks
17,100 + 29,241 = 46,341 $G-Bucks
46,341 + 10% mint bonus ≈ 50,975.1 $G-Bucks

Free transfers between your wallets didn’t reset the accumulated rewards
This is the maximum amount any holder can receive in this airdrop

Collect your reward

To collect your reward, head over to the Claim page of the dashboard, connect your ETH wallet address (only MetaMask is officially supported for now) and collect the $G-Bucks amount you are eligible for, as shown below:

⚠ Again, please note that the tokens you are collecting will be stored on our servers, and you need to withdraw your $G-Bucks balance from your Troverse account to your wallet if you want to keep it on the blockchain.

More utilities are coming up soon!

In the ultimate scenario, $G-Bucks can be the exclusive in-game currency of Troverse with a huge growth potential once the game launches. Players will need it to pay the gameplay costs but we won’t be selling it! It’s still early to decide if G-Bucks is the main in-game currency, let’s get back to this topic later.

However, more use-cases such as Star NFT mint plus changing the name and description of Stars and Planets will be available soon. Stay tuned!

Thank you!

Thank you for being a valuable Troversian, patiently waiting as we are building Troverse💎 And a huge thank you for your endless love and passion for the project 💙


Before you leave to Stake your planets, please read the disclaimer below.
Terms and Conditions page on Troverse official website is also updated.

By purchasing NFTs or using the App, you acknowledge that you understand and accept that the purchase, ownership, receipt, or possession of $G-Bucks carry no rights, express or implied, other than the right to use such tokens as a means to participate, interact or transact within the App. In particular, you understand and accept that $G-Bucks do not represent or confer any ownership right or stake, share, security, or equivalent rights, or any right to receive future revenue shares, intellectual property rights or any other form of participation in or relating to the Company or any of its corporate affiliates, other than any rights relating to the provision and receipt of services from the Company made available within the App. $G-Bucks are not intended to be utilized outside the App nor as a digital currency, security, commodity, or any kind of financial instrument, and the Company shall not be liable to you for any losses or damages that you may incur as a result of using or obtaining $G-Bucks for anything besides their intended use within the App.

Join the community

Follow us on Twitter and Join our Discord server. See you all in the Galaxy!




Troverse is a gaming Metaverse where players Own, Explore, Collect, Trade, and Compete in treasure-hunting adventures spanning a vast galaxy of 10,000 planets.