Budget Bites

Ways to Save with Tru Valu Supermarkets

Kieran Andrew Can ☀️
Tru Wellness
4 min readOct 12, 2022


This National Savings Day we’ve put together some tips to help you save money on groceries.

Set your food budget

Before you figure out what you should be spending on food, it’s important to know what you are currently spending on food. Keep your grocery store receipts to get an idea of your spending habits. If you eat out, make sure to include this in what is being spent. Once you’ve done this, you can get an idea of where you can cut down on spending.

Plan your meals

With your budget in mind, create a list of meals you would like to make for the week and write a shopping list for all of the ingredients needed. Stick to this list when shopping for your groceries.

Top tip: When creating your meal plan, take a look at what food items are being offered on sale and base your meals around those deals.

Buy in season

Fruits and vegetables are cheaper when they are in season. Avoid waste by buying fresh fruit at different stages of ripeness. Choose some fruit that is ripe and ready to eat, and some that will ripen in a few days. That way you’ll have enough time to eat all your purchases. If you think you won’t eat them in time, you can put them in the freezer for a later date.

Buy frozen or canned

If fresh produce is out of season or its too expensive, frozen or canned items can be a great option as they are just as nutritious as fresh items. They will also have a longer shelf life. If using canned fruits, look for items that are canned in its own fruit juice rather than a syrup and if using canned vegetables, rinse them under water first to wash away some of the sodium.

Keep an eye out for promotions

Tru Valu regularly offers discounts on various grocery items. Every month we offer Tru Basics, big discounts on essential items for a limited time. You can find Tru Basics in-store, on Tru Valu’s social media page, or online at shop.doortodoor.com.

We currently have three specials ongoing:

● Double 10 Specials which offers discounts on various Chinese grocery items including sesame oils and sauces. This promotion runs from the 3rd to the 12th of October 2022.

● Divali Specials which offers discounts on some pantry items, beverages, cheeses and spreads, frozen, and household items. This promotion runs from the 3rd to the 24th October 2022.

● 12 Month Giveaway where one lucky shopper will win $2000 in groceries every month when they spend $200 and over. Your total bill must include $25 in participating Nestle products which include their range of milks. This offer runs from August 22 2022 until August 19 2023.

Cook in bulk (or Meal Prep!)

For some people, preparing meals everyday is not an option as there may not be enough time to cook due to their schedules. Choose a day when you have the time to cook several meals at once, doubling up on recipes to ensure you have leftovers or to freeze for a later date. This way, you know there will always be food at home and it can cut down on how much money is spent on ordering in food.

Order groceries online

If you fall into the trap of adding items to your shopping cart that aren’t on your list, you will end up spending more than you intended. This can be avoided by doing your grocery shopping online. DoorToDoor is TruValu’s grocery delivery service which allows you to shop for most in-store items from the comfort of your home. One of the many perks of using DoorToDoor is that it allows you to search through their recipes and add the ingredients listed in a recipe straight to your cart.

Get to Saving!


Tru Valu Supermarkets is one of Trinidad and Tobago’s leading supermarket brands. As a responsible supermarket chain we believe in educating and informing our customers to make responsible decisions each day to improve their wellness and wellbeing.

All of the content presented by Tru Valu Supermarkets on our Medium channel, including written text, photographs, videos, and graphics, as well as other resources we might include is meant to educate and it should not be perceived as a substitution for professional medical or financial advice, as well as diagnosis or treatment. Always consult your doctor, nutrition advisor and other specialists before making major lifestyle and diet changes.

Tru Valu Health and Wellness Program, Article 49

Information supplied by Kirstyn Church, Associate Nutritionist, Nutrition Consulting Services. TruWellness is managed by Huckleberry Media Company.

